ID: 2004.07490

Dynamics of concentration in a population model structured by age and a phenotypical trait

April 16, 2020

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Slow and fast scales for superprocess limits of age-structured populations

June 26, 2010

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Sylvie CMAP Méléard, Viet Chi CMAP, LPP Tran

A superprocess limit for an interacting birth-death particle system modelling a population with trait and physical age-structures is established. Traits of newborn offspring are inherited from the parents except when mutations occur, while ages are set to zero. Because of interactions between individuals, standard approaches based on the Laplace transform do not hold. We use a martingale problem approach and a separation of the slow (trait) and fast (age) scales. While the tr...

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Convergence of individual-based models with small and frequent mutations to the canonical equation of adaptive dynamics

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Nicolas Champagnat, Vincent Hass

In this article, a stochastic individual-based model describing Darwinian evolution of asexual, phenotypic trait-structured population, is studied. We consider a large population with constant population size characterised by a resampling rate modeling competition pressure driving selection and a mutation rate where mutations occur during life. In this model, the population state at fixed time is given as a measure on the space of phenotypes and the evolution of the populatio...

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Stochastic and deterministic models for age-structured populations with genetically variable traits

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Regis FESE Ferriere, Viet Chi LPP Tran
Populations and Evolution

Understanding how stochastic and non-linear deterministic processes interact is a major challenge in population dynamics theory. After a short review, we introduce a stochastic individual-centered particle model to describe the evolution in continuous time of a population with (continuous) age and trait structures. The individuals reproduce asexually, age, interact and die. The 'trait' is an individual heritable property (d-dimensional vector) that may influence birth and dea...

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Long time evolutionary dynamics of phenotypically structured populations in time periodic environments

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Susely Figueroa IMT Iglesias, Sepideh IMT Mirrahimi
Analysis of PDEs

We study the long time behavior of a parabolic Lotka-Volterra type equation considering a time-periodic growth rate with non-local competition. Such equation describes the dynamics of a phenotypically struc-tured population under the effect of mutations and selection in a fluctuating environment. We first prove that, in long time, the solution converges to the unique periodic solution of the problem. Next, we describe this periodic solution asymptotically as the effect of the...

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Selection-mutation dynamics with asymmetrical reproduction kernels

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Benoît LJLL Perthame, Martin LJLL Strugarek, Cécile LMA-Poitiers Taing
Analysis of PDEs

We study a family of selection-mutation models of a sexual population structured by a phenotypical trait. The main feature of these models is the asymmetric trait heredity or fecundity between the parents : we assume that each individual inherits mostly its trait from the female or that the trait acts on the female fecundity but does not affect male. Following previous works inspired from principles of adaptive dynamics, we rescale time and assume that mutations have limited ...

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Selection and mutation in a shifting and fluctuating environment

March 12, 2021

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Susely Figueroa IMT Iglesias, Sepideh IMT Mirrahimi
Analysis of PDEs

We study the evolutionary dynamics of a phenotypically structured population in a changing environment , where the environmental conditions vary with a linear trend but in an oscillatory manner. Such phenomena can be described by parabolic Lotka-Volterra type equations with non-local competition and a time dependent growth rate. We first study the long time behavior of the solution to this problem. Next, using an approach based on Hamilton-Jacobi equations we study asymptotic...

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A Hamilton-Jacobi approach to characterize the evolutionary equilibria in heterogeneous environments

December 19, 2016

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Sepideh IMT Mirrahimi
Analysis of PDEs

In this work, we characterize the solution of a system of elliptic integro-differential equations describing a phenotypically structured population subject to mutation, selection and migration between two habitats. Assuming that the effects of the mutations are small but nonzero, we show that the population's distribution has at most two peaks and we give explicit conditions under which the population will be monomorphic (unimodal distribution) or dimorphic (bimodal distribut...

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Singular limits for models of selection and mutations with heavy-tailed mutation distribution

July 27, 2018

84% Match
Sepideh IMT Mirrahimi
Analysis of PDEs

In this article, we perform an asymptotic analysis of a nonlocal reaction-diffusion equation, with a fractional laplacian as the diffusion term and with a nonlocal reaction term. Such equation models the evolutionary dynamics of a phenotypically structured population. We perform a rescaling considering large time and small effect of mutations, but still with algebraic law. We prove that asymptotically the phenotypic distribution density concentrates as a Dirac mass which evol...

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Fitness versus Longevity in Age-Structured Population Dynamics

December 16, 1999

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W. Hwang, P. L. Krapivsky, S. Redner
Statistical Mechanics
Adaptation and Self-Organizi...
Populations and Evolution

We examine the dynamics of an age-structured population model in which the life expectancy of an offspring may be mutated with respect to that of the parent. While the total population of the system always reaches a steady state, the fitness and age characteristics exhibit counter-intuitive behavior as a function of the mutational bias. By analytical and numerical study of the underlying rate equations, we show that if deleterious mutations are favored, the average fitness of...

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A generalized model of mutation-selection balance with applications to aging

March 1, 2004

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David Steinsaltz, Steven N. Evans, Kenneth W. Wachter
Populations and Evolution

A probability model is presented for the dynamics of mutation-selection balance in a haploid infinite-population infinite-sites setting sufficiently general to cover mutation-driven changes in full age-specific demographic schedules. The model accommodates epistatic as well as additive selective costs. Closed form characterizations are obtained for solutions in finite time, along with proofs of convergence to stationary distributions and a proof of the uniqueness of solutions...

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