ID: 0707.1963

Kauffman Boolean model in undirected scale free networks

July 13, 2007

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Piotr Fronczak, Agata Fronczak, Janusz A. Holyst
Condensed Matter
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics

We investigate analytically and numerically the critical line in undirected random Boolean networks with arbitrary degree distributions, including scale-free topology of connections $P(k)\sim k^{-\gamma}$. We show that in infinite scale-free networks the transition between frozen and chaotic phase occurs for $3<\gamma < 3.5$. The observation is interesting for two reasons. First, since most of critical phenomena in scale-free networks reveal their non-trivial character for $\gamma<3$, the position of the critical line in Kauffman model seems to be an important exception from the rule. Second, since gene regulatory networks are characterized by scale-free topology with $\gamma<3$, the observation that in finite-size networks the mentioned transition moves towards smaller $\gamma$ is an argument for Kauffman model as a good starting point to model real systems. We also explain that the unattainability of the critical line in numerical simulations of classical random graphs is due to percolation phenomena.

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