ID: 0710.1103

The Newton polygon of a rational plane curve

October 4, 2007

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Carlos D'Andrea, Martin Sombra
Algebraic Geometry

The Newton polygon of the implicit equation of a rational plane curve is explicitly determined by the multiplicities of any of its parametrizations. We give an intersection-theoretical proof of this fact based on a refinement of the Kushnirenko-Bernstein theorem. We apply this result to the determination of the Newton polygon of a curve parameterized by generic Laurent polynomials or by generic rational functions, with explicit genericity conditions. We also show that the variety of rational curves with given Newton polygon is unirational and we compute its dimension. As a consequence, we obtain that any convex lattice polygon with positive area is the Newton polygon of a rational plane curve.

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Computing the Newton polygon of the implicit equation

November 3, 2008

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Ioannis Z. Emiris, Christos Konaxis, Leonidas Palios
Algebraic Geometry

We consider polynomially and rationally parameterized curves, where the polynomials in the parameterization have fixed supports and generic coefficients. We apply sparse (or toric) elimination theory in order to determine the vertex representation of its implicit polygon, i.e. of the implicit equation's Newton polygon. In particular, we consider mixed subdivisions of the input Newton polygons and regular triangulations of point sets defined by Cayley's trick. We distinguish p...

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Multiplicity estimates, analytic cycles and Newton polytopes

July 4, 2014

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Gal Binyamini
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry
Classical Analysis and ODEs

We consider the problem of estimating the multiplicity of a polynomial when restricted to the smooth analytic trajectory of a (possibly singular) polynomial vector field at a given point or points, under an assumption known as the D-property. Nesterenko has developed an elimination theoretic approach to this problem which has been widely used in transcendental number theory. We propose an alternative approach to this problem based on more local analytic considerations. In p...

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Lecture on the combinatorial algebraic method for computing algebraic integrals

May 31, 2024

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Bertrand Eynard
Mathematical Physics

Consider an algebraic equation $P(x,y)=0$ where $P\in \mathbb C[x,y] $ (or $\mathbb F[x,y]$ with $\mathbb F\subset \mathbb C$ a subfield) is a bivariate polynomial, it defines a plane algebraic curve. We provide an efficient method for computing integrals of the type $ \int_\gamma R(x,y)dx $ where $R(x,y)\in \mathbb C(x,y) $ is any rational fraction, and $y$ is solution of $P(x,y)=0$, and $\gamma$ any Jordan arc open or closed on the plane algebraic curve. The method uses onl...

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Algebraic Multiplicity and the Poincar\'{e} Problem

September 28, 2023

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Jinzhi Lei, Lijun Yang
Classical Analysis and ODEs

In this paper we derive an upper bound for the degree of the strict invariant algebraic curve of a polynomial system in the complex project plane under generic condition. The results are obtained through the algebraic multiplicities of the system at the singular points. A method for computing the algebraic multiplicity using Newton polygon is also presented.

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Intrinsicness of the Newton polygon for smooth curves on $\mathbb{P}^1\times \mathbb{P}^1$

April 18, 2013

85% Match
Wouter Castryck, Filip Cools
Algebraic Geometry

Let $C$ be a smooth projective curve in $\mathbb{P}^1\times \mathbb{P}^1$ of genus $g\neq 4$, and assume that it is birationally equivalent to a curve defined by a Laurent polynomial that is non-degenerate with respect to its Newton polygon $\Delta$. Then we show that the convex hull $\Delta^{(1)}$ of the interior lattice points of $\Delta$ is a standard rectangle, up to a unimodular transformation. Our main auxiliary result, which we believe to be interesting in its own righ...

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The lattice size of a lattice polygon

February 19, 2014

85% Match
Wouter Castryck, Filip Cools
Algebraic Geometry

We give upper bounds on the minimal degree of a model in $\mathbb{P}^2$ and the minimal bidegree of a model in $\mathbb{P}^1 \times \mathbb{P}^1$ of the curve defined by a given Laurent polynomial, in terms of the combinatorics of the Newton polygon of the latter. We prove in various cases that this bound is sharp as soon as the polynomial is sufficiently generic with respect to its Newton polygon.

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Newton polygons and curve gonalities

June 19, 2011

84% Match
Wouter Castryck, Filip Cools
Algebraic Geometry

We give a combinatorial upper bound for the gonality of a curve that is defined by a bivariate Laurent polynomial with given Newton polygon. We conjecture that this bound is generically attained, and provide proofs in a considerable number of special cases. One proof technique uses recent work of M. Baker on linear systems on graphs, by means of which we reduce our conjecture to a purely combinatorial statement.

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The Newton polygon of a planar singular curve and its subdivision

June 19, 2013

84% Match
Nikita Kalinin
Algebraic Geometry

Let a planar algebraic curve $C$ be defined over a valuation field by an equation $F(x,y)=0$. Valuations of the coefficients of $F$ define a subdivision of the Newton polygon $\Delta$ of the curve $C$. If a given point $p$ is of multiplicity $m$ for $C$, then the coefficients of $F$ are subject to certain linear constraints. These constraints can be visualized on the above subdivision of $\Delta$. Namely, we find a distinguished collection of faces of the above subdivision,...

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Intersection multiplicity, Milnor number and Bernstein's theorem

July 17, 2016

84% Match
Pinaki Mondal
Algebraic Geometry
Complex Variables

We explicitly characterize when the Milnor number at the origin of a polynomial or power series (over an algebraically closed field k of arbitrary characteristic) is the minimum of all polynomials with the same Newton diagram, which completes works of Kushnirenko (Invent. Math., 1976) and Wall (J. Reine Angew. Math., 1999). Given a fixed collection of n convex integral polytopes in R^n, we also give an explicit characterization of systems of n polynomials supported at these p...

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Characterization of jacobian Newton polygons of plane branches and new criteria of irreducibility

May 28, 2008

84% Match
Evelia R. García Barroso, Janusz Gwoździewicz
Algebraic Geometry

In this paper we characterize, in two different ways, the Newton polygons which are jacobian Newton polygons of a branch. These characterizations give in particular combinatorial criteria of irreducibility for complex series in two variables and necessary conditions which a complex curve has to satisfy in order to be the discriminant of a complex plane branch.

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