ID: 0803.1247

Entropies of complex networks with hierarchically constrained topologies

March 8, 2008

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Hierarchy Measures in Complex Networks

August 18, 2003

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Ala Trusina, Sergei Maslov, ... , Sneppen Kim
Soft Condensed Matter
Molecular Networks

Using each node's degree as a proxy for its importance, the topological hierarchy of a complex network is introduced and quantified. We propose a simple dynamical process used to construct networks which are either maximally or minimally hierarchical. Comparison with these extremal cases as well as with random scale-free networks allows us to better understand hierarchical versus modular features in several real-life complex networks. For random scale-free topologies the exte...

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Hierarchy in directed random networks

August 30, 2012

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Enys Mones
Physics and Society
Statistical Mechanics
Social and Information Netwo...
Data Analysis, Statistics an...

In recent years, the theory and application of complex networks have been quickly developing in a markable way due to the increasing amount of data from real systems and to the fruitful application of powerful methods used in statistical physics. Many important characteristics of social or biological systems can be described by the study of their underlying structure of interactions. Hierarchy is one of these features that can be formulated in the language of networks. In thi...

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Entropy distribution and condensation in random networks with a given degree distribution

March 24, 2014

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Kartik Anand, Dimitri Krioukov, Ginestra Bianconi
Disordered Systems and Neura...
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Physics and Society

The entropy of network ensembles characterizes the amount of information encoded in the network structure, and can be used to quantify network complexity, and the relevance of given structural properties observed in real network datasets with respect to a random hypothesis. In many real networks the degrees of individual nodes are not fixed but change in time, while their statistical properties, such as the degree distribution, are preserved. Here we characterize the distribu...

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Entropy of stochastic blockmodel ensembles

December 27, 2011

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Tiago P. Peixoto
Statistical Mechanics
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Data Analysis, Statistics an...
Physics and Society

Stochastic blockmodels are generative network models where the vertices are separated into discrete groups, and the probability of an edge existing between two vertices is determined solely by their group membership. In this paper, we derive expressions for the entropy of stochastic blockmodel ensembles. We consider several ensemble variants, including the traditional model as well as the newly introduced degree-corrected version [Karrer et al. Phys. Rev. E 83, 016107 (2011)]...

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Statistical Complexity of Heterogeneous Geometric Networks

October 31, 2023

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Keith Malcolm Smith, Jason P. Smith
Social and Information Netwo...

Heterogeneity and geometry are key explanatory components underlying the structure of real-world networks. The relationship between these components and the statistical complexity of networks is not well understood. We introduce a parsimonious normalised measure of statistical complexity for networks -- normalised hierarchical complexity. The measure is trivially 0 in regular graphs and we prove that this measure tends to 0 in Erd\"os-R\'enyi random graphs in the thermodynami...

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The Statistical Physics of Real-World Networks

October 11, 2018

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Giulio Cimini, Tiziano Squartini, Fabio Saracco, Diego Garlaschelli, ... , Caldarelli Guido

In the last 15 years, statistical physics has been a very successful framework to model complex networks. On the theoretical side, this approach has brought novel insights into a variety of physical phenomena, such as self-organisation, scale invariance, emergence of mixed distributions and ensemble non-equivalence, that display unconventional features on heterogeneous networks. At the same time, thanks to their deep connection with information theory, statistical physics and...

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Classical Information Theory of Networks

August 10, 2019

86% Match
Filippo Radicchi, Dmitri Krioukov, ... , Bianconi Ginestra
Physics and Society
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Statistical Mechanics
Social and Information Netwo...
Machine Learning

Existing information-theoretic frameworks based on maximum entropy network ensembles are not able to explain the emergence of heterogeneity in complex networks. Here, we fill this gap of knowledge by developing a classical framework for networks based on finding an optimal trade-off between the information content of a compressed representation of the ensemble and the information content of the actual network ensemble. In this way not only we introduce a novel classical netwo...

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Structural Inference of Hierarchies in Networks

October 9, 2006

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Aaron Clauset, Cristopher Moore, M. E. J. Newman
Physics and Society
Machine Learning
Data Analysis, Statistics an...

One property of networks that has received comparatively little attention is hierarchy, i.e., the property of having vertices that cluster together in groups, which then join to form groups of groups, and so forth, up through all levels of organization in the network. Here, we give a precise definition of hierarchical structure, give a generic model for generating arbitrary hierarchical structure in a random graph, and describe a statistically principled way to learn the set ...

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Analysis of network by generalized mutual entropies

September 6, 2007

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V. Gudkov, V. Montealegre
Disordered Systems and Neura...
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Computational Physics

Generalized mutual entropy is defined for networks and applied for analysis of complex network structures. The method is tested for the case of computer simulated scale free networks, random networks, and their mixtures. The possible applications for real network analysis are discussed.

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Atomic subgraphs and the statistical mechanics of networks

August 24, 2020

86% Match
Anatol E. Wegner, Sofia Olhede
Statistics Theory
Social and Information Netwo...
Data Analysis, Statistics an...
Physics and Society
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We develop random graph models where graphs are generated by connecting not only pairs of vertices by edges but also larger subsets of vertices by copies of small atomic subgraphs of arbitrary topology. This allows the for the generation of graphs with extensive numbers of triangles and other network motifs commonly observed in many real world networks. More specifically we focus on maximum entropy ensembles under constraints placed on the counts and distributions of atomic s...

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