May 2, 2008
We consider the motion of a spin-1/2 impurity in a one-dimensional gas of spin-1/2 fermions. For antiferromagnetic interaction between the impurity and the fermions, the low temperature behavior of the system is governed by the two-channel Kondo effect, leading to the impurity becoming completely opaque to the spin excitations of the gas. As well as the known spectral signatures of the two-channel Kondo effect, we find that the low temperature mobility of the resulting `Kondo polaron' takes the universal form $\mu\to \frac{3\hbar v_F^2}{2\pi k_B^2T^2}$, in sharp contrast to the spinless case where $\mu\propto T^{-4}$.
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June 27, 2013
For a mobile spin-1/2 impurity, coupled antiferromagnetically to a one-dimensional gas of fermions, perturbative ideas have been used to argue in favor of two-channel Kondo behavior of the impurity spin. Here we combine general considerations and extensive numerical simulations to show that the problem displays a novel quantum phase transition between two-channel and one-channel Kondo screening upon increasing the Kondo coupling. We construct a ground-state phase diagram and ...
May 26, 1997
Within the frameworks of spin-polaron concept and the spherically symmetric state for the antiferromagnetic spin background, the one-particle motion is studied for two-dimensional Kondo-lattice. The elemetary excitations are represented as a Bloch superposition of four one-site electron states: two local states- a bare electron state and a local spin-polaron of small radius, and two states of delocalized polarons which correspond to the coupling of local states to the antifer...
May 29, 1997
A spin-1/2 magnetic impurity coupled to a one-dimensional correlated electron system have been studied by applying the density renormalization group method. The Kondo temperature is substantially enhanced by strong repulsive interactions in the chain, but changes non-monotonically in the case of electron attraction. The magnetization of the impurity at zero- temperature shows local Fermi liquid behavior.
October 28, 2015
In this letter we consider a magnetic impurity in a one-dimensional spin-$1/2$ Fermi gas with infinitely strong repulsive interaction between fermions. We rigorously prove that, independent of whether the magnetic coupling between impurity and fermions is ferromagnetic or anti-ferromagnetic, the ground state is always a fully polarized ferromagnetic state for the itinerant fermions. This ferromagnetism can be understood as a cooperative effect of avoiding frustration of magne...
January 20, 2003
The ferromagnetic Kondo model with classical corespins is studied via unbiased Monte-Carlo simulations. We show that with realistic parameters for the manganites and at low temperatures, the double-exchange mechanism does not lead to phase separation in one-dimensional chains but rather stabilizes individual ferromagnetic polarons. Within the ferromagnetic polaron picture, the pseudogap in the one-particle spectral function A_k(\omega) can easily be explained. Ferromagnetic p...
November 27, 2007
The free electron Kondo problem can be described by a one-dimensional (1D) model because only the s-wave part of the electronic wave-function is affected by the Kondo coupling. Since only the spin degrees of freedom are involved in the Kondo interaction, and due to spin-charge separation in 1D, the universal low energy long distance physics of the Kondo model also arises when a magnetic impurity is coupled to the end of a gap-less antiferromagnetic J_1-J_2 spin-1/2 chain, whe...
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August 6, 2020
The Fermi-polaron problem of a mobile impurity interacting with fermionic medium emerges in various contexts, ranging from the foundations of Landau's Fermi-liquid theory to electron-exciton interaction in semiconductors, to unusual properties of high-temperature superconductors. While classically the medium provides only a dissipative environment to the impurity, quantum picture of polaronic dressing is more intricate and arises from the interplay of few- and many-body aspec...
June 2, 2023
These lecture notes give a brief introduction to the so-called Fermi-polaron problem, which explores the behaviour of a mobile impurity introduced into an ideal Fermi gas. While this problem has been considered now for more than a decade in ultracold atomic gases, it continues to generate surprises and insights as new quantum mixtures emerge, both in atomic gases and in the solid state. Here we summarise the basic theory for the Fermi polaron with a focus on the three-dimensi...
April 8, 2003
A unified perspective is given on a number of different problems involving the coupling of a localized quantum spin degree of freedom to the low energy excitations of an antiferromagnet, a spin glass, or a Kondo insulator. The problems are related to those in the class often referred to as "Bose Kondo".