ID: 0810.4258

Molecules as Sources for Indistinguishable Single Photons

October 23, 2008

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Few-photon coherent nonlinear optics with a single molecule

September 17, 2015

87% Match
Andreas Maser, Benjamin Gmeiner, Tobias Utikal, ... , Sandoghdar Vahid

The pioneering experiments of linear spectroscopy were performed using flames in the 1800s, but nonlinear optical measurements had to wait until lasers became available in the twentieth century. Because the nonlinear cross section of materials is very small, usually macroscopic bulk samples and pulsed lasers are used. Numerous efforts have explored coherent nonlinear signal generation from individual nanoparticles or small atomic ensembles with millions of atoms. Experiments ...

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Coherent coupling of a single molecule to a scanning Fabry-Perot microcavity

December 15, 2016

86% Match
Daqing Wang, Hrishikesh Kelkar, Diego Martin-Cano, Tobias Utikal, ... , Sandoghdar Vahid
Atomic Physics

Organic dye molecules have been used in great many scientific and technological applications, but their wider use in quantum optics has been hampered by transitions to short-lived vibrational levels, which limit their coherence properties. To remedy this, one can take advantage of optical resonators. Here we present the first results on coherent molecule-resonator coupling, where a single polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecule extinguishes 38\% of the light entering a micro...

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Tailoring the degree of entanglement of two coherently coupled quantum emitters

September 22, 2021

86% Match
J. -B LP2N Trebbia, Q LP2N Deplano, ... , Lounis B LP2N

The control and manipulation of quantum-entangled non-local states is a crucial step for the development of quantum information processing. A promising route to achieve such states on a wide scale is to couple solid-state quantum emitters through their coherent dipole-dipole interactions. Entanglement in itself is challenging, as it requires both nanometric distances between emitters and nearly degenerate electronic transitions. Implementing hyperspectral imaging to identify ...

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Real-time two-photon interference from distinct molecules on the same chip

January 18, 2022

86% Match
R. Duquennoy, M. Colautti, R. Emadi, P. Majumder, ... , Toninelli C.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

Scalability and miniaturization are hallmarks of solid-state platforms for photonic quantum technologies. Still a main challenge is two-photon interference from distinct emitters on chip. This requires local tuning, integration and novel approaches to understand and tame noise processes. A promising platform is that of molecular single photon sources. Thousands of molecules with optically tuneable emission frequency can be easily isolated in solid matrices and triggered with ...

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Turning a molecule into a coherent two-level quantum system

September 20, 2018

86% Match
Daqing Wang, Hrishikesh Kelkar, Diego Martin-Cano, Dominik Rattenbacher, Alexey Shkarin, Tobias Utikal, ... , Sandoghdar Vahid
Quantum Physics

Molecules are ubiquitous in natural phenomena and man-made products, but their use in quantum optical applications has been hampered by incoherent internal vibrations and other phononic interactions with their environment. We have now succeeded in turning an organic molecule into a coherent two-level quantum system by placing it in an optical microcavity. This allows several unprecedented observations such as 99\% extinction of a laser beam by a single molecule, saturation wi...

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Optical-nanofiber-based interface for single molecules

April 14, 2016

86% Match
Sarah M. Skoff, David Papencordt, Hardy Schauffert, ... , Rauschenbeutel Arno
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

Optical interfaces for quantum emitters are a prerequisite for implementing quantum networks. Here, we couple single molecules to the guided modes of an optical nanofiber. The molecules are embedded within a crystal that provides photostability and, due to the inhomogeneous broadening, a means to spectrally address single molecules. Single molecules are excited and detected solely via the nanofiber interface without the requirement of additional optical access. In this way, w...

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Efficient coupling of photons to a single molecule and the observation of its resonance fluorescence

July 23, 2007

86% Match
Gert Wrigge, Ilja Gerhardt, Jaesuk Hwang, ... , Sandoghdar Vahid
Quantum Physics

Single dye molecules at cryogenic temperatures display many spectroscopic phenomena known from free atoms and are thus promising candidates for fundamental quantum optical studies. However, the existing techniques for the detection of single molecules have either sacrificed the information on the coherence of the excited state or have been inefficient. Here we show that these problems can be addressed by focusing the excitation light near to the absorption cross section of a ...

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Phonon-induced optical dephasing in single organic molecules

January 13, 2020

86% Match
Chloe Clear, Ross C. Schofield, Kyle D. Major, Jake Iles-Smith, ... , McCutcheon Dara P. S.
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

Organic molecules have recently gained attention as novel sources of single photons. We present a joint experiment--theory analysis of the temperature-dependent emission spectra, zero-phonon linewidth, and second-order correlation function of light emitted from a single molecule. We observe spectra with a zero-phonon-line together with several additional sharp peaks, broad phonon sidebands, and a strongly temperature dependent homogeneous broadening. Our model includes both l...

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A high-fidelity photon gun: intensity-squeezed light from a single molecule

August 29, 2016

86% Match
Xiao-Liu Chu, Stephan Götzinger, Vahid Sandoghdar

A two-level atom cannot emit more than one photon at a time. As early as the 1980s, this quantum feature was identified as a gateway to "single-photon sources", where a regular excitation sequence would create a stream of light particles with photon number fluctuations below the shot noise. Such an intensity squeezed beam of light would be desirable for a range of applications such as quantum imaging, sensing, enhanced precision measurements and information processing. Howeve...

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Cormac Browne, Tristan Farrow, ... , Vedral Vlatko
Quantum Physics

We demonstrate with an experiment how molecules are a natural test-bed for probing fundamental quantum thermodynamics. Single-molecule spectroscopy has undergone transformative change in the past decade with the advent of techniques permitting individual molecules to be distinguished and probed. By considering the time-resolved emission spectrum of organic molecules as arising from quantum jumps between states, we demonstrate that the quantum Jarzynski equality is satisfied i...