ID: 0811.1703

Skew-symmetric cluster algebras of finite mutation type

November 11, 2008

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Anna Felikson, Michael Shapiro, Pavel Tumarkin
Rings and Algebras

In 2003, Fomin and Zelevinsky obtained Cartan-Killing type classification of all cluster algebras of finite type, i.e. cluster algebras having only finitely many distinct cluster variables. A wider class of cluster algebras is formed by cluster algebras of finite mutation type which have finitely many exchange matrices (but are allowed to have infinitely many cluster variables). In this paper we classify all cluster algebras of finite mutation type with skew-symmetric exchange matrices. Besides cluster algebras of rank 2 and cluster algebras associated with triangulations of surfaces there are exactly 11 exceptional skew-symmetric cluster algebras of finite mutation type. More precisely, 9 of them are associated with root systems $E_6$, $E_7$, $E_8$, $\widetilde E_6$, $\widetilde E_7$, $\widetilde E_8$, $E_6^{(1,1)}$, $E_7^{(1,1)}$, $E_8^{(1,1)}$; two remaining were recently found by Derksen and Owen. We also describe a criterion which determines if a skew-symmetric cluster algebra is of finite mutation type, and discuss growth rate of cluster algebras.

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Cluster automorphism groups and automorphism groups of exchange graphs

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Representation Theory

For a coefficient free cluster algebra $\mathcal{A}$, we study the cluster automorphism group $Aut(\mathcal{A})$ and the automorphism group $Aut(E_{\mathcal{A}})$ of its exchange graph $E_{\mathcal{A}}$. We show that these two groups are isomorphic with each other, if $\mathcal{A}$ is of finite type excepting types of rank two and type $F_4$, or if $\mathcal{A}$ is of skew-symmetric finite mutation type.

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