ID: 0811.4427

Quiver Topology and RG Dynamics

November 28, 2008

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Some Remarks on the Finitude of Quiver Theories

November 16, 1999

83% Match
Yang-Hui He
High Energy Physics - Theory

D-brane probes, Hanany-Witten setups and geometrical engineering stand as a trichotomy of the currently fashionable techniques of constructing gauge theories from string theory. Meanwhile, asymptotic freedom, finitude and IR freedom pose as a trichotomy of the beta-function behaviour in quantum field theories. Parallel thereto is a trichotomy in set theory of finite, tame and wild representation types. At the intersection of the above lies the theory of quivers. We briefly re...

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FI-flows of 3d N=4 Theories

February 7, 2023

83% Match
Antoine Bourget, Simone Giacomelli, Julius F. Grimminger
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study the 3d $\mathcal{N}=4$ RG-flows triggered by Fayet-Iliopoulos deformations in unitary quiver theories. These deformations can be implemented by a new quiver algorithm which contains at its heart a problem at the intersection of linear algebra and graph theory. When interpreted as magnetic quivers for SQFTs in various dimensions, our results provide a systematic way to explore RG-flows triggered by mass deformations and generalizations thereof. This is illustrated by ...

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"Non-Perturbative Methods" in Field Theory

November 12, 1998

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Kenneth Intriligator
High Energy Physics - Phenom...
High Energy Physics - Theory

This talk is an overview of selected topics related to renormalization group flows and the phases of gauge theories.

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Some Recent Results on Renormalization-Group Properties of Quantum Field Theories

December 6, 2021

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Robert Shrock
High Energy Physics - Theory
High Energy Physics - Lattic...
High Energy Physics - Phenom...

We discuss some higher-loop studies of renormalization-group flows and fixed points in various quantum field theories.

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RG Cascades in Hyperbolic Quiver Gauge Theories

May 25, 2004

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R. Ahl Laamara, M. Ait Ben Haddou, A Belhaj, ... , Saidi E. H
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this paper, we provide a general classification of supersymmeric QFT$_{4}$s into three basic sets: ordinary, affine and indefinite classes. The last class, which has not been enough explored in literature, is shown to share most of properties of ordinary and affine super QFT$_{4}$s. This includes, amongst others, its embedding in type II string on local Calabi-Yau threefolds. We give realizations of these supersymmetric QFT$_{4}$s as D-brane world volume gauge theories. A ...

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Quiver Gauge theories from Lie Superalgebras

July 26, 2012

83% Match
A. Belhaj, M. B. Sedra
High Energy Physics - Theory

We discuss quiver gauge models with matter fields based on Dynkin diagrams of Lie superalgebra structures. We focus on A(1,0) case and we find first that it can be related to intersecting complex cycles with genus $g$. Using toric geometry, A(1,0) quivers are analyzed in some details and it is shown that A(1,0) can be used to incorporate fundamental fields to a product of two unitary factor groups. We expect that this approach can be applied to other kinds of Lie superalgebra...

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Probing the Space of Toric Quiver Theories

September 15, 2009

83% Match
Joseph Hewlett, Yang-Hui He
High Energy Physics - Theory

We demonstrate a practical and efficient method for generating toric Calabi-Yau quiver theories, applicable to both D3 and M2 brane world-volume physics. A new analytic method is presented at low order parametres and an algorithm for the general case is developed which has polynomial complexity in the number of edges in the quiver. Using this algorithm, carefully implemented, we classify the quiver diagram and assign possible superpotentials for various small values of the nu...

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Quivers, YBE and 3-manifolds

March 26, 2012

83% Match
Masahito Yamazaki
Geometric Topology
Mathematical Physics

We study 4d superconformal indices for a large class of N=1 superconformal quiver gauge theories realized combinatorially as a bipartite graph or a set of "zig-zag paths" on a two-dimensional torus T^2. An exchange of loops, which we call a "double Yang-Baxter move", gives the Seiberg duality of the gauge theory, and the invariance of the index under the duality is translated into the Yang-Baxter-type equation of a spin system defined on a "Z-invariant" lattice on T^2. When w...

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Linear Quivers at Large-$N$

October 31, 2023

82% Match
Carlos Nunez, Leonardo Santilli, Konstantin Zarembo
Mathematical Physics

Quiver theories constitute an important class of supersymmetric gauge theories with well-defined holographic duals. Motivated by holographic duality, we use localisation on $S^d$ to study long linear quivers at large-N. The large-N solution shows a remarkable degree of universality across dimensions, including $d = 4$ where quivers are genuinely superconformal. In that case we upgrade the solution of long quivers to quivers of any length.

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Quivers as Calculators: Counting, Correlators and Riemann Surfaces

January 9, 2013

82% Match
Jurgis Pasukonis, Sanjaye Ramgoolam
Representation Theory

The spectrum of chiral operators in supersymmetric quiver gauge theories is typically much larger in the free limit, where the superpotential terms vanish. We find that the finite N counting of operators in any free quiver theory, with a product of unitary gauge groups, can be described by associating Young diagrams and Littlewood-Richardson multiplicities to a simple modification of the quiver, which we call the split-node quiver. The large N limit leads to a surprisingly si...

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