ID: 0903.0864

Random Close Packing of Disks and Spheres in Confined Geometries

March 5, 2009

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Kenneth W. Desmond, Eric R. Weeks
Condensed Matter
Soft Condensed Matter

Studies of random close packing of spheres have advanced our knowledge about the structure of systems such as liquids, glasses, emulsions, granular media, and amorphous solids. When these systems are confined their structural properties change. To understand these changes we study random close packing in finite-sized confined systems, in both two and three dimensions. Each packing consists of a 50-50 binary mixture with particle size ratio 1.4. The presence of confining walls significantly lowers the overall maximum area fraction (or volume fraction in three dimensions). A simple model is presented which quantifies the reduction in packing due to wall-induced structure. This wall-induced structure decays rapidly away from the wall, with characteristic length scales comparable to the small particle diameter.

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Confined packings of frictionless spheres and polyhedra

July 22, 2013

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Jean-François IFSTTAR/MAST/GPEM Camenen, Yannick IFSTTAR/MAST/GPEM Descantes, Patrick IFSTTAR/MAST/GPEM, IPR Richard
Soft Condensed Matter
Other Condensed Matter

By means of numerical simulations, we study the influence of confinement on three-dimensional random close packed (RCP) granular materials subject to gravity. The effects of grain shape (spherical or polyhedral) and polydispersity on this dependence are investigated. In agreement with a simple geometrical model, the solid fraction is found to decrease linearly for increasing confinement no matter the grain shape. This decrease remains valid for bidisperse sphere packings alth...

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Effect of confinement on dense packings of rigid frictionless spheres and polyhedra

December 10, 2012

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Jean-François IFSTTAR/MAT Camenen, Yannick IFSTTAR/MAT Descantes, Patrick IFSTTAR/MAT, IPR Richard
Soft Condensed Matter
Other Condensed Matter

We study numerically the influence of confinement on the solid fraction and on the structure of three-dimensional random close packed (RCP) granular materials subject to gravity. The effects of grain shape (spherical or polyhedral), material polydispersity and confining wall friction on this dependence are investigated. In agreement with a simple geometrical model, the solid fraction is found to decrease linearly for increasing confinement no matter the grain shape. Furthermo...

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An unexplored valley of binary packing: The loose jamming state

May 4, 2022

88% Match
Si Suo, Chongpu Zhai, Minglong Xu, ... , Gan Yixiang
Soft Condensed Matter
Disordered Systems and Neura...

We present a theoretical prediction on random close packing factor \phi_RCP^b of binary granular packings based on the hard-sphere fluid theory. An unexplored regime is unravelled, where the packing fraction \phi_RCP^b is smaller than that of the mono-sized one \phi_RCP^m, i.e., the so-called loose jamming state. This is against our common perception that binary packings should always reach a denser packing than mono-sized packings at the jamming state. Numerical evidence fur...

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Fundamental challenges in packing problems: from spherical to non-spherical particles

February 24, 2014

88% Match
Adrian Baule, Hernán A. Makse
Soft Condensed Matter
Statistical Mechanics

Random packings of objects of a particular shape are ubiquitous in science and engineering. However, such jammed matter states have eluded any systematic theoretical treatment due to the strong positional and orientational correlations involved. In recent years progress on a fundamental description of jammed matter could be made by starting from a constant volume ensemble in the spirit of conventional statistical mechanics. Recent work has shown that this approach, first intr...

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Robert S. Farr
Materials Science
Soft Condensed Matter
Statistical Mechanics

We apply a recent one-dimensional algorithm for predicting random close packing fractions of polydisperse hard spheres [Farr and Groot, J. Chem. Phys. 133, 244104 (2009)] to the case of lognormal distributions of sphere sizes and mixtures of such populations. We show that the results compare well to two much slower algorithms for directly simulating spheres in three dimensions, and show that the algorithm is fast enough to tackle inverse problems in particle packing: designin...

Is Random Close Packing of Spheres Well Defined?

March 25, 2000

88% Match
Salvatore Torquato, Thomas M. Truskett, Pablo G. Debenedetti
Statistical Mechanics
Materials Science

Despite its long history, there are many fundamental issues concerning random packings of spheres that remain elusive, including a precise definition of random close packing (RCP). We argue that the current picture of RCP cannot be made mathematically precise and support this conclusion via a molecular dynamics study of hard spheres using the Lubachevsky-Stillinger compression algorithm. We suggest that this impasse can be broken by introducing the new concept of a maximally ...

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A geometric-Structure Theory for maximally Random Jammed Packings

May 22, 2016

87% Match
Jianxiang Tian, Y. Xu, ... , Torquato S.
Soft Condensed Matter

Maximally random jammed (MRJ) particle packings can be viewed as prototypical glasses in that they are maximally disordered while simultaneously being mechanically rigid. The prediction of the MRJ packing density phi, among other packing properties of frictionless particles, still poses many theoretical challenges, even for congruent spheres or disks. Using the geometric-structure approach, we derive for the first time a highly accurate formula for MRJ densities for a very wi...

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Structural properties of liquids in extreme confinement

August 17, 2022

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Gerhard Jung, Thomas Franosch
Soft Condensed Matter

We simulate a hard-sphere liquid in confined geometry where the separation of the two parallel, hard walls is smaller than two particle diameters. By systematically reducing the wall separation we analyze the behavior of structural and thermodynamic properties, such as inhomogeneous density profiles, structure factors, and compressibilities when approaching the two-dimensional limit. In agreement with asymptotic predictions, we find for quasi-two-dimensional fluids that the d...

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Confinement effects on the configurational order of monodisperse disk packings

January 30, 2012

87% Match
Bjoern Arnold, Ayse Turak, Alejandro Diaz Ortiz
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Soft Condensed Matter

Monodisperse circular disks have been collectively packed in confined geometries using a Monte Carlo method where the compaction is propelled by two- dimensional stochastic agitation. We have found that confinement (i.e., finite-size plus surface effects) determines the symmetry of the packed configurations together with the size evolution of the probability density of the packing fraction. For the particular case of small systems in square containers, the probability density...

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Model of random packings of different size balls

June 6, 2010

87% Match
Maximilien Danisch, Yuliang Jin, Hernan A. Makse
Disordered Systems and Neura...

We develop a model to describe the properties of random assemblies of polydisperse hard spheres. We show that the key features to describe the system are (i) the dependence between the free volume of a sphere and the various coordination numbers between the species, and (ii) the dependence of the coordination numbers with the concentration of species; quantities that are calculated analytically. The model predicts the density of random close packing and random loose packing o...

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