August 3, 2009
We develop a simple theoretical framework for the evolution of weighted networks that is consistent with a number of stylized features of real-world data. In our framework, the Barabasi-Albert model of network evolution is extended by assuming that link weights evolve according to a geometric Brownian motion. Our model is verified by means of simulations and real world trade data. We show that the model correctly predicts the intensity and growth distribution of links, the size-variance relationships of the growth of link weights, the relationship between the degree and strength of nodes, as well as the scale-free structure of the network.
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January 6, 2004
We propose a model for the growth of weighted networks that couples the establishment of new edges and vertices and the weights' dynamical evolution. The model is based on a simple weight-driven dynamics and generates networks exhibiting the statistical properties observed in several real-world systems. In particular, the model yields a non-trivial time evolution of vertices' properties and scale-free behavior for the weight, strength and degree distributions.
June 10, 2004
We present a general model for the growth of weighted networks in which the structural growth is coupled with the edges' weight dynamical evolution. The model is based on a simple weight-driven dynamics and a weights' reinforcement mechanism coupled to the local network growth. That coupling can be generalized in order to include the effect of additional randomness and non-linearities which can be present in real-world networks. The model generates weighted graphs exhibiting ...
May 18, 2006
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January 15, 2007
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January 19, 2001
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January 31, 2000
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Real-world networks tend to be scale free, having heavy-tailed degree distributions with more hubs than predicted by classical random graph generation methods. Preferential attachment and growth are the most commonly accepted mechanisms leading to these networks and are incorporated in the Barab\'asi-Albert (BA) model. We provide an alternative model using a randomly stopped linking process inspired by a generalized Central Limit Theorem (CLT) for geometric distributions with...
July 30, 2007
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March 30, 2005
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August 7, 2004
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