ID: 0912.0685

Uniform sampling of undirected and directed graphs with a fixed degree sequence

December 3, 2009

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The switch Markov chain for sampling irregular graphs

December 17, 2014

89% Match
Catherine Greenhill
Data Structures and Algorith...

The problem of efficiently sampling from a set of(undirected) graphs with a given degree sequence has many applications. One approach to this problem uses a simple Markov chain, which we call the switch chain, to perform the sampling. The switch chain is known to be rapidly mixing for regular degree sequences. We prove that the switch chain is rapidly mixing for any degree sequence with minimum degree at least 1 and with maximum degree $d_{\max}$ which satisfies $3\leq d_{\ma...

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Smaller Universes for Uniform Sampling of 0,1-matrices with fixed row and column sums

March 7, 2018

89% Match
Annabell Berger, Corrie Jacobien Carstens

An important problem arising in the study of complex networks, for instance in community detection and motif finding, is the sampling of graphs with fixed degree sequence. The equivalent problem of generating random 0,1 matrices with fixed row and column sums is frequently used as a quantitative tool in ecology. It has however proven very challenging to design sampling algorithms that are both fast and unbiased. This article focusses on Markov chain approaches for sampling,...

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New classes of degree sequences with fast mixing swap Markov chain sampling

January 29, 2016

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Péter L. Erdős, István Miklós, Zoltán Toroczkai
Discrete Mathematics

In network modeling of complex systems one is often required to sample random realizations of networks that obey a given set of constraints, usually in form of graph measures. A much studied class of problems targets uniform sampling of simple graphs with given degree sequence or also with given degree correlations expressed in the form of a joint degree matrix. One approach is to use Markov chains based on edge switches (swaps) that preserve the constraints, are irreducible ...

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Efficiently sampling the realizations of irregular, but linearly bounded bipartite and directed degree sequences

December 4, 2017

89% Match
Péter L. Erdős, Tamás Róbert Mezei, István Miklós

Since 1997 a considerable effort has been spent on the study of the swap (switch) Markov chains on graphic degree sequences. Several results were proved on rapidly mixing Markov chains on regular simple, on regular directed, on half-regular directed and on half-regular bipartite degree sequences. In this paper, the main result is the following: Let $U$ and $V$ be disjoint finite sets, and let $0 < c_1 \le c_2 < |U|$ and $0 < d_1 \le d_2 < |V|$ be integers. Furthermore, assume...

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Connectedness matters: Construction and exact random sampling of connected graphs

September 8, 2020

89% Match
Szabolcs Horvát, Carl D. Modes
Physics and Society
Discrete Mathematics

We describe a new method for the random sampling of connected networks with a specified degree sequence. We consider both the case of simple graphs and that of loopless multigraphs. The constraints of fixed degrees and of connectedness are two of the most commonly needed ones when constructing null models for the practical analysis of physical or biological networks. Yet handling these constraints, let alone combining them, is non-trivial. Our method builds on a recently intr...

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Sampling random graphs with specified degree sequences

May 25, 2021

89% Match
Upasana Dutta, Bailey K. Fosdick, Aaron Clauset
Social and Information Netwo...
Data Analysis, Statistics an...

The configuration model is a standard tool for uniformly generating random graphs with a specified degree sequence, and is often used as a null model to evaluate how much of an observed network's structure can be explained by its degree structure alone. A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm, based on a degree-preserving double-edge swap, provides an asymptotic solution to sample from the configuration model. However, accurately and efficiently detecting this Markov chai...

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Approximate Sampling of Graphs with Near-$P$-stable Degree Intervals

April 20, 2022

89% Match
Péter L. Erdős, Tamás Róbert Mezei, István Miklós
Discrete Mathematics

The approximate uniform sampling of graph realizations with a given degree sequence is an everyday task in several social science, computer science, engineering etc. projects. One approach is using Markov chains. The best available current result about the well-studied switch Markov chain is that it is rapidly mixing on P-stable degree sequences (see DOI:10.1016/j.ejc.2021.103421). The switch Markov chain does not change any degree sequence. However, there are cases where deg...

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Fast generation of random connected graphs with prescribed degrees

February 22, 2005

89% Match
Fabien LIAFA, Regal Ur-R Lip6 Viger, Matthieu LIAFA Latapy
Networking and Internet Arch...
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Discrete Mathematics

We address here the problem of generating random graphs uniformly from the set of simple connected graphs having a prescribed degree sequence. Our goal is to provide an algorithm designed for practical use both because of its ability to generate very large graphs (efficiency) and because it is easy to implement (simplicity). We focus on a family of heuristics for which we prove optimality conditions, and show how this optimality can be reached in practice. We then propose a d...

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Expand and Contract: Sampling graphs with given degrees and other combinatorial families

August 30, 2013

88% Match
James Y. Zhao
Data Structures and Algorith...

Sampling from combinatorial families can be difficult. However, complicated families can often be embedded within larger, simpler ones, for which easy sampling algorithms are known. We take advantage of such a relationship to describe a sampling algorithm for the smaller family, via a Markov chain started at a random sample of the larger family. The utility of the method is demonstrated via several examples, with particular emphasis on sampling labelled graphs with given degr...

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Generating constrained random graphs using multiple edge switches

December 14, 2010

88% Match
Lionel Tabourier, Camille Roth, Jean-Philippe Cointet
Social and Information Netwo...
Physics and Society

The generation of random graphs using edge swaps provides a reliable method to draw uniformly random samples of sets of graphs respecting some simple constraints, e.g. degree distributions. However, in general, it is not necessarily possible to access all graphs obeying some given con- straints through a classical switching procedure calling on pairs of edges. We therefore propose to get round this issue by generalizing this classical approach through the use of higher-order ...

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