February 23, 2010
Very recently Girardeau and Minguzzi [arXiv:0807.3366v2, Phys. Rev. A 79, 033610 (2009)] have studied an impurity in a one-dimensional gas of hard-core bosons. In particular they deal with the general case where the mass of the impurity is different from the mass of the bosons and the impurity-boson interaction is not necessarily infinitely repulsive. We show that one of their initial step is erroneous, contradicting both physical intuition and known exact results. Their results in the general case apply only actually when the mass of the impurity is infinite.
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March 2, 2010
In their Comment [1] Giraud and Combescot point out that the contribution to the impurity-boson distribution function $\rho_{bi}(x-y)$ of a term we dropped is not negligible, rather than being negligible in the thermodynamic limit as we had conjectured. We now agree with them, but nevertheless our results for $\rho_{bi}$ are highly accurate for large impurity-boson mass ratio $m_i/m$ and remain qualitatively correct for all values of $m_i/m$ and all values of the boson-impuri...
March 12, 2015
We present a new theoretical framework for describing an impurity in a trapped Bose system in one spatial dimension. The theory handles any external confinement, arbitrary mass ratios, and a weak interaction may be included between the Bose particles. To demonstrate our technique, we calculate the ground state energy and properties of a sample system with eight bosons and find an excellent agreement with numerically exact results. Our theory can thus provide definite predicti...
April 16, 2014
In a recent paper, arxiv:1402.6362, Gamayun, Lychkovskiy, and Cheianov studied the dynamics of a mobile impurity embedded into a one-dimensional Tonks-Girardeau gas of strongly interacting bosons. Employing the Boltzmann equation approach, they arrived at the following main conclusions: (i) a light impurity, being accelerated by a constant force does not exhibit Bloch oscillations; (ii) a heavy impurity does undergo Bloch oscillations, accompanied by a drift with the velocity...
July 21, 2008
The low-lying eigenstates of a one-dimensional (1D) system of many impenetrable point bosons and one moving impurity particle with repulsive zero-range impurity-boson interaction are found for all values of the impurity-boson mass ratio and coupling constant. The moving entity is a polaron-like composite object consisting of the impurity clothed by a co-moving gray soliton. The special case with impurity-boson interaction of point hard-core form and impurity-boson mass ratio ...
July 10, 2017
The detailed study of the low-energy spectrum for a mobile impurity in the one-dimensional bosonic enviroment is performed. Particularly we have considered only two analytically accessible limits, namely, the case of an impurity immersed in a dilute Bose gas, where one can use many-body perturbation techniques for low-dimensional bosonic systemsm and the case of the Tonks-Girardeau gas, for which the usual fermionic diagrammatic expansion up to the second order is applied.
August 28, 2013
Consider an impurity particle injected in a degenerate one-dimensional gas of noninteracting fermions (or, equivalently, Tonks-Girardeau bosons) with some initial momentum $p_0$. We examine the infinite-time value of the momentum of the impurity, $p_\infty$, as a function of $p_0$. A lower bound on $|p_\infty(p_0)|$ is derived under fairly general conditions. The derivation, based on the existence of the lower edge of the spectrum of the host gas, does not resort to any appro...
December 5, 2017
We study the ground state of a one-dimensional (1D) trapped Bose gas with two mobile impurity particles. To investigate this set-up, we develop a variational procedure in which the coordinates of the impurity particles are slow-like variables. We validate our method using the exact results obtained for small systems. Then, we discuss energies and pair densities for systems that contain of the order of one hundred atoms. We show that bosonic non-interacting impurities cluster....
September 6, 2018
We investigate a temporal evolution of an impurity atom in a one-dimensional trapped Bose gas following a sudden change of the boson-impurity interaction strength. Our focus is on the effects of inhomogeneity due to the harmonic confinement. These effects can be described by an effective one-body model where both the mass and the spring constant are renormalized. This is in contrast to the classic renormalization, which addresses only the mass. We propose an effective single-...
April 17, 2023
We study the motion of a heavy impurity in a one-dimensional Bose gas. The impurity experiences the friction force due to scattering off thermally excited quasiparticles. We present detailed analysis of an arbitrarily strong impurity-boson coupling in a wide range of temperatures within a microscopic theory. Focusing mostly on weakly interacting bosons, we derive an analytical result for the friction force and uncover new regimes of the impurity dynamics. Particularly interes...
April 3, 2017
We discuss the ground state properties of a one-dimensional bosonic system doped with an impurity (the so-called Bose polaron problem). We introduce a formalism that allows us to calculate analytically the thermodynamic zero-temperature properties of this system with weak and moderate boson-boson interaction strengths for any boson-impurity interaction. Our approach is validated by comparing to exact quantum Monte Carlo calculations. In addition, we test the method in finite ...