ID: 1011.3777

An Elementary Proof of the Polynomial Matrix Spectral Factorization Theorem

November 16, 2010

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Lasha Ephremidze
Complex Variables

A very simple and short proof of the polynomial matrix spectral factorization theorem (on the unit circle as well as on the real line) is presented, which relies on elementary complex analysis and linear algebra.

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On a Fejer-Riesz factorization of generalized trigonometric polynomials

May 25, 2020

88% Match
Tryphon T. Georgiou, Anders Lindquist
Optimization and Control
Systems and Control
Systems and Control
Complex Variables

Function theory on the unit disc proved key to a range of problems in statistics, probability theory, signal processing literature, and applications, and in this, a special place is occupied by trigonometric functions and the Fejer-Riesz theorem that non-negative trigonometric polynomials can be expressed as the modulus of a polynomial of the same degree evaluated on the unit circle. In the present note we consider a natural generalization of non-negative trigonometric polyno...

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Spectral Factorization of Rank-Deficient Polynomial Matrix-Functions

August 18, 2010

88% Match
Lasha Ephremidze, Edem Lagvilava
Complex Variables

A spectral factorization theorem is proved for polynomial rank-deficient matrix-functions. The theorem is used to construct paraunitary matrix-functions with first rows given.

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An Analytic Proof of the Matrix Spectral Factorization Theorem

October 21, 2007

87% Match
L. Ephremidze, G. Janshia, E. Lagvilava
Complex Variables

An analytic proof is proposed of Wiener's theorem on factorization of positive definite matrix-functions.

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Algebraic aspects of spectral theory

June 23, 2010

87% Match
E. B. Davies
Spectral Theory

We describe some aspects of spectral theory that involve algebraic considerations but need no analysis. Some of the important applications of the results are to the algebra of $n\times n$ matrices with entries that are polynomials or more general analytic functions.

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On non-optimal spectral factorizations

September 7, 2016

87% Match
L. Ephremidze, I. Selesnick, I. Spitkovsky
Complex Variables

For a given Laurent polynomial matrix function $S$, which is positive definite on the unit circle in the complex plane, we consider all possible polynomial spectral factors of $S$ which are not necessarily invertible inside the unit circle.

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Orthogonal Rational Functions on the Unit Circle with Prescribed Poles not on the Unit Circle

July 31, 2017

87% Match
Adhemar Bultheel, Ruyman Cruz-Barroso, Andreas Lasarow
Numerical Analysis

Orthogonal rational functions (ORF) on the unit circle generalize orthogonal polynomials (poles at infinity) and Laurent polynomials (poles at zero and infinity). In this paper we investigate the properties of and the relation between these ORF when the poles are all outside or all inside the unit disk, or when they can be anywhere in the extended complex plane outside the unit circle. Some properties of matrices that are the product of elementary unitary transformations will...

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Real Polynomial Gram Matrices Without Real Spectral Factors

March 11, 2019

86% Match
Puoya Tabaghi, Ivan Dokmanić
Signal Processing

It is well known that a non-negative definite polynomial matrix (a polynomial Gramian) $G(t)$ can be written as a product of its polynomial spectral factors, $G(t) = X(t)^H X(t)$. In this paper, we give a new algebraic characterization of spectral factors when $G(t)$ is real-valued. The key idea is to construct a representation set that is in bijection with the set of real polynomial Gramians. We use the derived characterization to identify the set of all complex polynomial m...

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Decomposing Real Square Matrices via Unitary Diagonalization

May 23, 2016

86% Match
Théo Trouillon, Christopher R. Dance, ... , Bouchard Guillaume
Spectral Theory

Diagonalization, or eigenvalue decomposition, is very useful in many areas of applied mathematics, including signal processing and quantum physics. Matrix decomposition is also a useful tool for approximating matrices as the product of a matrix and its transpose, which relates to unitary diagonalization. As stated by the spectral theorem, only normal matrices are unitarily diagonalizable. However we show that all real square matrices are the real part of some unitarily diagon...

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The Analytic Theory of Matrix Orthogonal Polynomials

November 16, 2007

86% Match
David Rice Damanik, Alexander King's College Pushnitski, Barry Caltech Simon
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Spectral Theory

We give a survey of the analytic theory of matrix orthogonal polynomials.

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Eigenvalue estimates for non-normal matrices and the zeros of random orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle

March 3, 2006

86% Match
E. B. Davies, Barry Simon
Spectral Theory
Classical Analysis and ODEs

We prove that for any $n\times n$ matrix, $A$, and $z$ with $|z|\geq \|A\|$, we have that $\|(z-A)^{-1}\|\leq\cot (\frac{\pi}{4n}) \dist (z, \spec(A))^{-1}$. We apply this result to the study of random orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle.

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