ID: 1011.5417

Generalized matrix models and AGT correspondence at all genera

November 24, 2010

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On Geometry and Matrix Models

July 11, 2002

82% Match
Robbert Dijkgraaf, Cumrun Vafa
High Energy Physics - Theory

We point out two extensions of the relation between matrix models, topological strings and N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. First, we note that by considering double scaling limits of unitary matrix models one can obtain large N duals of the local Calabi-Yau geometries that engineer N=2 gauge theories. In particular, a double scaling limit of the Gross-Witten one-plaquette lattice model gives the SU(2) Seiberg-Witten solution, including its induced gravitational corrections...

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Irregular conformal block, spectral curve and flow equations

October 30, 2015

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Sang Kwan Choi, Chaiho Rim, Hong Zhang
Mathematical Physics

Irregular conformal block is motivated by the Argyres-Douglas type of N=2 super conformal gauge theory. We investigate the classical/NS limit of the irregular conformal block using spectral curve on a Riemann surface with irregular punctures, which is equivalent to the loop equation of irregular matrix model. The spectral curve is reduced to the second order (Virasoro symmetry, $SU(2)$ for the gauge theory) and third order ($W_3$ symmetry, $SU(3)$) differential equations of a...

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Loop Equations and Virasoro Constraints in Matrix Models

December 19, 1991

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Yu. Makeenko
High Energy Physics - Theory

In the first part of the talk, I review the applications of loop equations to the matrix models and to 2-dimensional quantum gravity which is defined as their continuum limit. The results concerning multi-loop correlators for low genera and the Virasoro invariance are discussed. The second part is devoted to the Kontsevich matrix model which is equivalent to 2-dimensional topological gravity. I review the Schwinger--Dyson equations for the Kontsevich model as well as their ex...

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Conformal blocks of W_N Minimal Models and AGT correspondence

April 28, 2014

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K. B. Alkalaev, V. A. Belavin
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study the AGT correspondence between four-dimensional supersymmetric gauge field theory and two-dimensional conformal field theories in the context of W_N minimal models. The origin of the AGT correspondence is in a special integrable structure which appears in the properly extended conformal theory. One of the basic manifestations of this integrability is the special orthogonal basis which arises in the extended theory. We propose modification of the AGT representation fo...

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Double quantization of Seiberg-Witten geometry and W-algebras

December 22, 2016

82% Match
Taro Kimura
Quantum Algebra
Representation Theory

We show that the double quantization of Seiberg-Witten spectral curve for $\Gamma$-quiver gauge theory defines the generating current of W$(\Gamma)$-algebra in the free field realization. We also show that the partition function is given as a correlator of the corresponding W$(\Gamma)$-algebra, which is equivalent to the AGT relation under the gauge/quiver (spectral) duality.

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AGT correspondence, (q-)Painlev\`e equations and matrix models

September 13, 2022

82% Match
A. Mironov, V. Mishnyakov, ... , Zakirova Z.
High Energy Physics - Theory

Painlev\`e equation for conformal blocks is a combined corollary of integrability and Ward identities, which can be explicitly revealed in the matrix model realization of AGT relations. We demonstrate this in some detail, both for $q$-Painlev\`e equations for the $q$-Virasoro conformal block, or AGT dual gauge theory in $5d$, and for ordinary Painlev\`e equations, or AGT dual gauge theory in $4d$. Especially interesting is the continuous limit from $5d$ to $4d$ and its descri...

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Finalizing the proof of AGT relations with the help of the generalized Jack polynomials

July 9, 2013

82% Match
A. Morozov, A. Smirnov
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Representation Theory

Original proofs of the AGT relations with the help of the Hubbard-Stratanovich duality of the modified Dotsenko-Fateev matrix model did not work for beta different from one, because Nekrasov functions were not properly reproduced by Selberg-Kadell integrals of Jack polynomials. We demonstrate that if the generalized Jack polynomials, depending on the N-ples of Young diagrams from the very beginning, are used instead of the N-linear combinations of ordinary Jacks, this resolve...

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On the Supergravity Gauge theory Correspondence and the Matrix Model

June 21, 1998

81% Match
Alwis S. P. de
High Energy Physics - Theory

We review the assumptions and the logic underlying the derivation of DLCQ Matrix models. In particular we try to clarify what remains valid at finite $N$, the role of the non-renormalization theorems and higher order terms in the supergravity expansion. The relation to Maldacena's conjecture is also discussed. In particular the compactification of the Matrix model on $T_3$ is compared to the $AdS_5\times S_5$ ${\cal N}=4$ super Yang-Mills duality, and the different role of th...

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Elliptic Genus Derivation of 4d Holomorphic Blocks

November 20, 2017

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Matteo Poggi
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study elliptic vortices on $\mathbb{C}\times T^2$ by considering the 2d quiver gauge theory describing their moduli spaces. The elliptic genus of these moduli spaces is the elliptic version of vortex partition function of the 4d theory. We focus on two examples: the first is a $\mathcal{N}=1$, $\mathrm{U}(N)$ gauge theory with fundamental and anti-fundamental matter; the second is a $\mathcal{N}=2$, $\mathrm{U}(N)$ gauge theory with matter in the fundamental representation...

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Deformed planar topological open string amplitudes on Seiberg-Witten curve

January 31, 2012

81% Match
Masahide Manabe
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study refined B-model via the beta ensemble of matrix models. Especially, for four dimensional N=2 SU(2) supersymmetric gauge theories with N_f=0,1 and 2 fundamental flavors, we discuss the correspondence between deformed disk amplitudes on each Seiberg-Witten curve and the Nekrasov-Shatashvili limit of the corresponding irregular one point block of a degenerate operator via the AGT correspondence. We also discuss the relation between deformed annulus amplitudes and the ir...

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