ID: 1101.4618

Chaotic memristor

January 24, 2011

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T. Driscoll, Y. V. Pershin, D. N. Basov, Ventra M. Di
Condensed Matter
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

We suggest and experimentally demonstrate a chaotic memory resistor (memristor). The core of our approach is to use a resistive system whose equations of motion for its internal state variables are similar to those describing a particle in a multi-well potential. Using a memristor emulator, the chaotic memristor is realized and its chaotic properties are measured. A Poincar\'{e} plot showing chaos is presented for a simple nonautonomous circuit involving only a voltage source directly connected in series to a memristor and a standard resistor. We also explore theoretically some details of this system, plotting the attractor and calculating Lyapunov exponents. The multi-well potential used resembles that of many nanoscale memristive devices, suggesting the possibility of chaotic dynamics in other existing memristive systems.

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