ID: 1102.1885

Note on the Theory of Perfect Numbers

February 8, 2011

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A Proof of the Odd Perfect Number Conjecture

January 8, 2004

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Simon Davis
High Energy Physics - Theory

It is sufficient to prove that there is an excess of prime factors in the product of repunits with odd prime bases defined by the sum of divisors of the integer $N=(4k+1)^{4m+1}\prod_{i=1}^\ell ~ q_i^{2\alpha_i}$ to establish that there do not exist any odd integers with equality between $\sigma(N)$ and 2N. The existence of distinct prime divisors in the repunits in $\sigma(N)$ follows from a theorem on the primitive divisors of the Lucas sequences $U_{2\alpha_i+1}(q_i+1,q_i)...

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On the divisibility of odd perfect numbers by a high power of a prime

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Tomohiro Yamada
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We study some divisibility properties of multiperfect numbers. Our main result is: if $N=p_1^{\alpha_1}... p_s^{\alpha_s} q_1^{2\beta_1}... q_t^{2\beta_t}$ with $\beta_1, ..., \beta_t$ in some finite set S satisfies $\sigma(N)=\frac{n}{d}N$, then N has a prime factor smaller than C, where C is an effective computable constant depending only on s, n, S.

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The Non-Euler Part of a Spoof Odd Perfect Number is Not Almost Perfect

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Jose Arnaldo B. Dris
Number Theory

We call $n$ a spoof odd perfect number if $n$ is odd and $n=km$ for two integers $k,m>1$ such that $\sigma(k)(m+1)=2n$, where $\sigma$ is the sum-of-divisors function. In this paper, we show how results analogous to those of odd perfect numbers could be established for spoof odd perfect numbers (otherwise known in the literature as Descartes numbers). In particular, we prove that $k$ is not almost perfect.

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Nouvelles conditions pour l'inexistence des nombres parfaits impairs

September 28, 2016

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Nancy Wallace
History and Overview
Number Theory

We will show the two following results: If there existe an odd perfect number $n$ of prime decomposition $n=p_1^{\alpha_1} \ldots p_k^{\alpha_k}q^\beta$, where the $\alpha_i$ are even, the $\beta$ are odd and $q \equiv 5 \mod 8$. Then there is at least one $p_i$, $1 \leq i \leq k$ that is not a square in $\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$. More precisely there is an odd number of $p_i$ that are not squares in $\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z}$. If there exist an odd perfect number $n$ of prime d...

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Where do odd perfect numbers live?

January 18, 2018

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Souza Aldi Nestor de
Number Theory

The existence of a perfect odd number is an old open problem of number theory. An Euler's theorem states that if an odd integer $ n $ is perfect, then $ n $ is written as $ n = p ^ rm ^ 2 $, where $ r, m $ are odd numbers, $ p $ is a prime number of the form $ 4 k + 1 $ and $ (p, m) = 1 $, where $ (x, y) $ denotes the greatest common divisor of $ x $ and $ y $. In this article we show that the exponent $ r $, of $ p $, in this equation, is necessarily equal to 1. That is, if ...

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A Sufficient Condition for Disproving Descartes's Conjecture on Odd Perfect Numbers

November 10, 2013

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Jose Arnaldo B. Dris
Number Theory

Let $\sigma(x)$ be the sum of the divisors of $x$. If $N$ is odd and $\sigma(N) = 2N$, then the odd perfect number $N$ is said to be given in Eulerian form if $N = {q^k}{n^2}$ where $q$ is prime with $q \equiv k \equiv 1 \pmod 4$ and $\gcd(q,n) = 1$. In this note, we show that $q < n$ implies that Descartes's conjecture (previously Sorli's conjecture), $k = \nu_{q}(N) = 1$, is not true. This then implies an unconditional proof for the biconditional $$k = \nu_{q}(N) = 1 \Longl...

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On Exactly $3$-Deficient-Perfect Numbers

January 20, 2020

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Saralee Aursukaree, Prapanpong Pongsriiam
Number Theory

Let $n$ and $k$ be positive integers and $\sigma(n)$ the sum of all positive divisors of $n$. We call $n$ an exactly $k$-deficient-perfect number with deficient divisors $d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_k$ if $d_1, d_2, \ldots, d_k$ are distinct proper divisors of $n$ and $\sigma (n)=2n-(d_1+d_2+\ldots + d_k)$. In this article, we show that the only odd exactly $3$-deficient-perfect number with at most two distinct prime factors is $1521=3^2 \cdot 13^2$.

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A note on odd perfect numbers

March 8, 2011

87% Match
Jose Arnaldo B. Dris, Florian Luca
Number Theory

In this note, we show that if $N$ is an odd perfect number and $q^{\alpha}$ is some prime power exactly dividing it, then $\sigma(N/q^{\alpha})/q^{\alpha}>5$. In general, we also show that if $\sigma(N/q^{\alpha})/q^{\alpha}<K$, where $K$ is any constant, then $N$ is bounded by some function depending on $K$.

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Perfect Numbers in ACL2

September 21, 2015

87% Match
John University of Wyoming Cowles, Ruben University of Wyoming Gamboa
Logic in Computer Science
Number Theory

A perfect number is a positive integer n such that n equals the sum of all positive integer divisors of n that are less than n. That is, although n is a divisor of n, n is excluded from this sum. Thus 6 = 1 + 2 + 3 is perfect, but 12 < 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 6 is not perfect. An ACL2 theory of perfect numbers is developed and used to prove, in ACL2(r), this bit of mathematical folklore: Even if there are infinitely many perfect numbers the series of the reciprocals of all perfect nu...

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On the Sum and Product of Distinct Prime Factors of an Odd Perfect Number

August 6, 2010

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Anirudh Prabhu
Number Theory

We present lower bounds on the sum and product of the distinct prime factors of an odd perfect number, which provide a lower bound on the size of the odd perfect number as a function of the number of its distinct prime factors.

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