ID: 1207.5493

Visualizing Spacetime Curvature via Gradient Flows I: Introduction

July 23, 2012

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A Hamiltonian approach to the gradient-flow equations in information geometry

June 17, 2024

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Tatsuaki Wada, Antoni M. Scarfone
Mathematical Physics

We have studied the gradient-flow equations in information geometry from a point-particle perspective. Based on the motion of a null (or light-like) particle in a curved space, we have rederived the Hamiltonians which describe the gradient-flows in information geometry.

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Yang-Hui He, Juan Manuel Pérez Ipiña
Machine Learning

On the long-established classification problems in general relativity we take a novel perspective by adopting fruitful techniques from machine learning and modern data-science. In particular, we model Petrov's classification of spacetimes, and show that a feed-forward neural network can achieve high degree of success. We also show how data visualization techniques with dimensionality reduction can help analyze the underlying patterns in the structure of the different types of...

Real-Time Visualization in Non-Isotropic Geometries

February 21, 2020

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Eryk Kopczyński, Dorota Celińska-Kopczyńska
Differential Geometry

Non-isotropic geometries are of interest to low-dimensional topologists, physicists and cosmologists. However, they are challenging to comprehend and visualize. We present novel methods of computing real-time native geodesic rendering of non-isotropic geometries. Our methods can be applied not only to visualization, but also are essential for potential applications in machine learning and video games.

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Toward a definition of chaos for general relativity

December 6, 1996

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Donald Witt, Kristin Schleich
General Relativity and Quant...

General relativity exhibits a unique feature not represented in standard examples of chaotic systems; it is a spacetime diffeomorphism invariant theory. Thus many characterizations of chaos do not work. It is therefore necessary to develop a definition of chaos suitable for application to general relativity. This presentation will present results towards this goal.

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Towards A Possible Fluid Flow Underlying the Kerr Spacetime

April 19, 2011

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Jianwei Mei
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quant...

Based on the idea of emergent spacetime, we consider the possibility that the material underlying our spacetime is modelled by a fluid. We are particularly interested in possible connections between the geometrical properties of the emergent spacetime and the properties of the underlying fluid. We find some partial results that support this possibility. By using the Kerr spacetime as an example, we construct from the Riemann curvature tensor a vector field, which behaves just...

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The Meaning of Einstein's Equation

March 13, 2001

86% Match
John C. Baez, Emory F. Bunn
General Relativity and Quant...

This is a brief introduction to general relativity, designed for both students and teachers of the subject. While there are many excellent expositions of general relativity, few adequately explain the geometrical meaning of the basic equation of the theory: Einstein's equation. Here we give a simple formulation of this equation in terms of the motion of freely falling test particles. We also sketch some of its consequences, and explain how the formulation given here is equiva...

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Frame-Dragging Vortexes and Tidal Tendexes Attached to Colliding Black Holes: Visualizing the Curvature of Spacetime

December 22, 2010

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Robert Owen, Jeandrew Brink, Yanbei Chen, Jeffrey D. Kaplan, Geoffrey Lovelace, Keith D. Matthews, David A. Nichols, Mark A. Scheel, Fan Zhang, ... , Thorne Kip S.
Cosmology and Nongalactic As...
Astrophysics of Galaxies
High Energy Astrophysical Ph...

When one splits spacetime into space plus time, the spacetime curvature (Weyl tensor) gets split into an "electric" part E_{jk} that describes tidal gravity and a "magnetic" part B_{jk} that describes differential dragging of inertial frames. We introduce tools for visualizing B_{jk} (frame-drag vortex lines, their vorticity, and vortexes) and E_{jk} (tidal tendex lines, their tendicity, and tendexes), and also visualizations of a black-hole horizon's (scalar) vorticity and t...

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Deflating Spacetime: A Dynamics-First View of the Spacetime Manifold

October 30, 2022

86% Match
Daniel Grimmer
History and Philosophy of Ph...

What, if anything, can help us explain the dynamical behavior of matter? One may be tempted here to appeal to the laws of nature, or to the world's geometric structure, or even to the smooth topological structure of the spacetime manifold itself. Some think, however, that the metaphysics involved in such explanatory strategies is excessively spooky. Indeed, some opt to reverse the arrow of explanation, putting dynamics first. For instance, one can use Lewis's Best Systems Ana...

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Energy dissipation in flows through curved spaces

November 25, 2015

85% Match
J. -D. Debus, M. Mendoza, ... , Herrmann H. J.
Fluid Dynamics
Cosmology and Nongalactic As...
Biological Physics
Computational Physics

Fluid dynamics in intrinsically curved geometries is encountered in many physical systems in nature, ranging from microscopic bio-membranes all the way up to general relativity at cosmological scales. Despite the diversity of applications, all of these systems share a common feature: the free motion of particles is affected by inertial forces originating from the curvature of the embedding space. Here we reveal a fundamental process underlying fluid dynamics in curved space: ...

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Curvature Invariants for the Alcubierre and Nat\'ario Warp Drives

October 26, 2020

85% Match
Brandon Mattingly, Abinash Kar, Matthew Gorban, William Julius, Cooper Watson, MD Ali, Andrew Baas, Caleb Elmore, Jeff Lee, Bahram Shakerin, ... , Cleaver Gerald
General Relativity and Quant...

A process for using curvature invariants is applied to evaluate the metrics for the Alcubierre and the Natario warp drives at a constant velocity.Curvature invariants are independent of coordinate bases, so plotting these invariants will be free of coordinate mapping distortions. As a consequence, they provide a novel perspective into complex spacetimes such as warp drives. Warp drives are the theoretical solutions to Einstein's field equations that allow the possibility for ...

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