ID: 1208.5182

Black holes in three dimensional higher spin gravity: A review

August 26, 2012

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Martin Ammon, Michael Gutperle, Per Kraus, Eric Perlmutter
High Energy Physics - Theory
General Relativity and Quant...

We review recent progress in the construction of black holes in three dimensional higher spin gravity theories. Starting from spin-3 gravity and working our way toward the theory of an infinite tower of higher spins coupled to matter, we show how to harness higher spin gauge invariance to consistently generalize familiar notions of black holes. We review the construction of black holes with conserved higher spin charges and the computation of their partition functions to leading asymptotic order. In view of the AdS/CFT correspondence as applied to certain vector-like conformal field theories with extended conformal symmetry, we successfully compare to CFT calculations in a generalized Cardy regime. A brief recollection of pertinent aspects of ordinary gravity is also given.

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