ID: 1210.4388

Bipartita: Physics, Geometry & Number Theory

October 16, 2012

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Yang-Hui He
High Energy Physics - Theory

Bipartite graphs, especially drawn on Riemann surfaces, have of late assumed an active role in theoretical physics, ranging from MHV scattering amplitudes to brane tilings, from dimer models and topological strings to toric AdS/CFT, from matrix models to dessins d'enfants in gauge theory. Here, we take a brief and casual promenade in the realm of brane tilings, quiver SUSY gauge theories and dessins, serving as a rapid introduction to the reader.

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Bipartite Field Theories: from D-Brane Probes to Scattering Amplitudes

July 3, 2012

88% Match
Sebastian Franco
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics

We introduce and initiate the investigation of a general class of 4d, N=1 quiver gauge theories whose Lagrangian is defined by a bipartite graph on a Riemann surface, with or without boundaries. We refer to such class of theories as Bipartite Field Theories (BFTs). BFTs underlie a wide spectrum of interesting physical systems, including: D3-branes probing toric Calabi-Yau 3-folds, their mirror configurations of D6-branes, cluster integrable systems in (0+1) dimensions and lea...

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Calabi-Yau Varieties: from Quiver Representations to Dessins d'Enfants

November 28, 2016

87% Match
Yang-Hui He
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Number Theory

The connections amongst (1) quivers whose representation varieties are Calabi-Yau, (2) the combinatorics of bipartite graphs on Riemann surfaces, and (3) the geometry of mirror symmetry have engendered a rich subject at whose heart is the physics of gauge/string theories. We review the various parts of this intricate story in some depth, for a mathematical audience without assumption of any knowledge of physics, emphasizing a plethora of results residing at the intersection...

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Brane Tilings as On-shell Diagrams

August 5, 2014

86% Match
Alvaro M. Alhambra
Mathematical Physics

A new way of computing scattering amplitudes in a certain very important QFT (N=4 SYM) has recently been developed, in which an algebraic structure called the positive Grassmannian plays a very important role. The mathematics of the positive Grassmannian involve, among other things, bipartite graphs, which also appear in the formulation of a certain class of conformal field theories that are currently being generalized into Bipartite Field Theories (BFT). The fact that the sa...

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Graph Zeta Function and Gauge Theories

February 7, 2011

86% Match
Yang-Hui He
Mathematical Physics

Along the recently trodden path of studying certain number theoretic properties of gauge theories, especially supersymmetric theories whose vacuum manifolds are non-trivial, we investigate Ihara's Graph Zeta Function for large classes of quiver theories and periodic tilings by bi-partite graphs. In particular, we examine issues such as the spectra of the adjacency and whether the gauge theory satisfies the strong and weak versions of the graph theoretical analogue of the Riem...

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Branes, Quivers, and the Affine Grassmannian

February 11, 2021

85% Match
Antoine Bourget, Julius F. Grimminger, Amihay Hanany, ... , Zhong Zhenghao
High Energy Physics - Theory

Brane systems provide a large class of gauge theories that arise in string theory. This paper demonstrates how such brane systems fit with a somewhat exotic geometric object, called the affine Grassmannian. This gives a strong motivation to study physical aspects of the affine Grassmannian. Explicit quivers are presented throughout the paper, and a quiver addition algorithm to generate the affine Grassmannian is introduced. An important outcome of this study is a set of quive...

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Bipartite Field Theories from D-Branes

June 26, 2013

85% Match
Sebastian Franco, Angel Uranga
High Energy Physics - Theory

We develop tools for determining the gauge theory resulting from a configuration of Type IIB D3-branes probing a non-compact, toric Calabi-Yau 3-fold, in the presence of additional flavor D7-branes with general embeddings. Two main ingredients of our approach are dimer models and mirror symmetry. D7-branes with general embeddings are obtained by recombination of elementary D7-brane constituents. These tools are then used to engineer a large set of Bipartite Field Theories, a ...

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Bipartite Graphs, On-Shell Diagrams, and Bipartite Field Theories: a Computational Package in Mathematica

February 13, 2017

84% Match
Daniele Galloni
Algebraic Geometry

We present bipartiteSUSY, a Mathematica package designed to perform calculations for physical theories based on bipartite graphs. In particular, the package can employ the recently developed arsenal of techniques surrounding on-shell diagrams in N=4 SYM scattering amplitudes, including those for non-planar diagrams, with particular attention to computational speed. It also contains a host of tools for computations in N=1 Bipartite Field Theories, which utilize the same bipart...

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Brane tilings and supersymmetric gauge theories

February 17, 2011

84% Match
Amihay Hanany, Giuseppe Torri
High Energy Physics - Theory

In the last few years, brane tilings have proven to be an efficient and convenient way of studying supersymmetric gauge theories living on D3-branes or M2-branes. In these pages we present a quick and simple introduction to the subject, hoping this could tickle the reader's curiosity to learn more on this extremely fascinating subject.

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New Directions in Bipartite Field Theories

November 21, 2012

84% Match
Sebastian Franco, Daniele Galloni, Rak-Kyeong Seong
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics

We perform a detailed investigation of Bipartite Field Theories (BFTs), a general class of 4d N=1 gauge theories which are defined by bipartite graphs. This class of theories is considerably expanded by identifying a new way of assigning gauge symmetries to graphs. A new procedure is introduced in order to determine the toric Calabi-Yau moduli spaces of BFTs. For graphs on a disk, we show that the matroid polytope for the corresponding cell in the Grassmannian coincides with ...

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Bipartite Field Theories, Cluster Algebras and the Grassmannian

April 14, 2014

84% Match
Sebastian Franco, Daniele Galloni, Alberto Mariotti
Algebraic Geometry
Mathematical Physics
Quantum Algebra

We review recent progress in Bipartite Field Theories. We cover topics such as their gauge dynamics, emergence of toric Calabi-Yau manifolds as master and moduli spaces, string theory embedding, relationships to on-shell diagrams, connections to cluster algebras and the Grassmannian, and applications to graph equivalence and stratification of the Grassmannian.

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