ID: 1211.3588

Computation of Galois groups of rational polynomials

November 15, 2012

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Claus Fieker, Jürgen Klüners
Number Theory

Computational Galois theory, in particular the problem of computing the Galois group of a given polynomial is a very old problem. Currently, the best algorithmic solution is Stauduhar's method. Computationally, one of the key challenges in the application of Stauduhar's method is to find, for a given pair of groups H<G a G-relative H-invariant, that is a multivariate polynomial F that is H-invariant, but not G-invariant. While generic, theoretical methods are known to find such F, in general they yield impractical answers. We give a general method for computing invariants of large degree which improves on previous known methods, as well as various special invariants that are derived from the structure of the groups. We then apply our new invariants to the task of computing the Galois groups of polynomials over the rational numbers, resulting in the first practical degree independent algorithm.

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Computing the fixing group of a rational function

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Computing the Galois group of a polynomial over a $p$-adic field

March 12, 2020

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Christopher Doris
Number Theory

We present a family of algorithms for computing the Galois group of a polynomial defined over a $p$-adic field. Apart from the "naive" algorithm, these are the first general algorithms for this task. As an application, we compute the Galois groups of all totally ramified extensions of $\mathbb{Q}_2$ of degrees 18, 20 and 22, tables of which are available online.

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A database for field extensions of the rationals

February 6, 2001

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Juergen Klueners, Gunter Malle
Number Theory

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An Algorithm for Solving Solvable Polynomial Equations of Arbitrary Degree by Radicals

March 22, 2022

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Group Theory

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Galois groups over rational function fields and explicit Hilbert irreducibility

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Number Theory

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Characterizing Triviality of the Exponent Lattice of A Polynomial through Galois and Galois-Like Groups

May 5, 2020

86% Match
Tao Zheng
Symbolic Computation
Number Theory

The problem of computing \emph{the exponent lattice} which consists of all the multiplicative relations between the roots of a univariate polynomial has drawn much attention in the field of computer algebra. As is known, almost all irreducible polynomials with integer coefficients have only trivial exponent lattices. However, the algorithms in the literature have difficulty in proving such triviality for a generic polynomial. In this paper, the relations between the Galois gr...

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Claus Fieker, Tommy Hofmann, Michael Joswig
Number Theory

We report on an implementation of Galois groups in the new computer algebra system OSCAR. As an application we compute Galois groups of Ehrhart polynomials of lattice polytope

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