ID: 1212.1632

Physics in one dimension: theoretical concepts for quantum many-body systems

December 7, 2012

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K. Schonhammer
Condensed Matter
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Various sophisticated approximation methods exist for the description of quantum many-body systems. It was realized early on that the theoretical description can simplify considerably in one-dimensional systems and various exact solutions exist. The focus in this introductory paper is on fermionic systems and the emergence of the Luttinger liquid concept.

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A glimpse of a Luttinger liquid

April 14, 2005

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Igor A. Zaliznyak
Strongly Correlated Electron...

The concept of a Luttinger liquid has recently been established as a fundamental paradigm vital to our understanding of the properties of one-dimensional quantum systems, leading to a number of theoretical breakthroughs. Now theoretical predictions have been put to test by the comprehensive experimental study.

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One-Dimensional Fermi liquids

September 29, 1995

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Johannes Voit
Condensed Matter

I attempt to give a pedagogical overview of the progress which has occurred during the past decade in the description of one-dimensional correlated fermions. Fermi liquid theory based on a quasi-particle picture, breaks down in one dimension because of the Peierls divergence and because of charge-spin separation. It is replaced by a Luttinger liquid whose elementary excitations are collective charge and spin modes, based on the exactly solvable Luttinger model. I review this ...

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Luttinger Liquids: The Basic Concepts

May 2, 2003

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K. Schonhammer
Strongly Correlated Electron...

This chapter reviews the theoretical description of interacting fermions in one dimension. The Luttinger liquid concept is elucidated using the Tomonaga-Luttinger model as well as integrable lattice models. Weakly coupled chains and attempts to experimentally verify the theoretical predictions are discussed.

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One-Dimensional Quantum Liquids: Beyond the Luttinger Liquid Paradigm

October 6, 2011

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Adilet Imambekov, Thomas L. Schmidt, Leonid I. Glazman
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Statistical Mechanics

For many years, the Luttinger liquid theory has served as a useful paradigm for the description of one-dimensional (1D) quantum fluids in the limit of low energies. This theory is based on a linearization of the dispersion relation of the particles constituting the fluid. We review the recent progress in understanding 1D quantum fluids beyond the low-energy limit, where the nonlinearity of the dispersion relation becomes essential. The novel methods which have been developed ...

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Fermi liquid features of the one-dimensional Luttinger liquid

December 26, 1997

92% Match
Yupeng Wang
Strongly Correlated Electron...

We show that the one-dimensional (1D) electron systems can also be described by Landau's phenomenological Fermi-liquid theory. Most of the known results derived from the Luttinger-liquid theory can be retrieved from the 1D Fermi-liquid theory. Exact correspondence between the Landau parameters and Haldane parameters is established. The exponents of the dynamical correlation functions and the impurity problem are also discussed based on the finite size corrections of element...

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The Luttinger model: its role in the RG-theory of one dimensional many body Fermi systems

August 5, 2000

91% Match
Giovanni Gallavotti
Statistical Mechanics

The Luttinger model was introduced to illustrate the theory of Tomonaga via an exactly soluble model. It became soon the subject of great interest also on the part of Mathematical Physics and a key to the investigations of the mathematical properties of Condensed Matter Physics. This paper reviews aspects of the above developments relevant for renormalization group methods.

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One dimensional Bosons: From Condensed Matter Systems to Ultracold Gases

January 27, 2011

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M. A. Cazalilla, R. Citro, T. Giamarchi, ... , Rigol M.
Strongly Correlated Electron...
Quantum Gases

We review the physics of one-dimensional interacting bosonic systems. Beginning with results from exactly solvable models and computational approaches, we introduce the concept of bosonic Tomonaga-Luttinger Liquids relevant for one-dimension, and compare it with Bose-Einstein condensates existing in dimensions higher than one. We discuss the effects of various perturbations on the Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid state as well as extensions to multicomponent and out of equilibrium s...

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Fundamental aspects of electron correlations and quantum transport in one-dimensional systems

June 1, 2005

91% Match
Dmitrii L. Maslov
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...
Strongly Correlated Electron...

Table of contents 1. Introduction 2. Non-Fermi-liquid features of Fermi liquids: 1D physics in higher dimensions 3. Dzyaloshinskii-Larkin solution of the Tomonaga-Luttinger model 4. Renormalization group for interacting fermions 5. Single impurity in a 1D system: scattering theory for interacting electrons 6. Bosonization solution 7. Transport in quantum wires 7.1 Conductivity and conductance 7.2 Dissipation in a contactless measurement 7.3 Conductance of a wire attached to...

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Universal theory of nonlinear Luttinger liquids

June 29, 2008

91% Match
Adilet Imambekov, Leonid I. Glazman
Strongly Correlated Electron...

One-dimensional quantum fluids are conventionally described by using an effective hydrodynamic approach known as Luttinger liquid theory. As the principal simplification, a generic spectrum of the constituent particles is replaced by a linear one, which leads to a linear hydrodynamic theory. We show that to describe the measurable dynamic response functions one needs to take into account the nonlinearity of the generic spectrum and thus of the resulting quantum hydrodynamic t...

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Interacting fermions in one dimension: from weak to strong correlation

February 3, 1993

91% Match
H. J. Schulz
Condensed Matter

Lecture notes from the Jerusalem Winter School on Theoretical Physics "Correlated Electron Systems", Dec. 1991 -- Jan. 1992. Contains a review of recent and not so recent results in the theory of correlated fermions in one dimension.

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