ID: 1302.1228

Efficient Markets, Behavioral Finance and a Statistical Evidence of the Validity of Technical Analysis

February 5, 2013

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Evidence of Increment of Efficiency of the Mexican Stock Market Through the Analysis of its Variations

July 21, 2006

85% Match
H. F. Coronel-Brizio, A. R. Hernandez-Montoya, ... , Rodriguez-Achach M.
Physics and Society
Statistical Finance

It is well known that there exist statistical and structural differences between the stock markets of developed and emerging countries. In this work, we present an analysis of the variations and autocorrelations of the Mexican Stock Market index (IPC) for different periods of its historical daily data, showing evidence that the Mexican Stock Market has been increasing its efficiency in recent times. We have analyzed the returns autocorrelation function (ACF) and used detrende...

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Survey on log-normally distributed market-technical trend data

May 11, 2016

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René Kempen, Stanislaus Maier-Paape
Statistical Finance

In this survey, a short introduction in the recent discovery of log-normally distributed market-technical trend data will be given. The results of the statistical evaluation of typical market-technical trend variables will be presented. It will be shown that the log-normal assumption fits better to empirical trend data than to daily returns of stock prices. This enables to mathematically evaluate trading systems depending on such variables. In this manner, a basic approach to...

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Detection of Crashes and Rebounds in Major Equity Markets

July 30, 2011

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Wanfeng Yan, Reda Rebib, ... , Sornette Didier
General Finance

Financial markets are well known for their dramatic dynamics and consequences that affect much of the world's population. Consequently, much research has aimed at understanding, identifying and forecasting crashes and rebounds in financial markets. The Johansen-Ledoit-Sornette (JLS) model provides an operational framework to understand and diagnose financial bubbles from rational expectations and was recently extended to negative bubbles and rebounds. Using the JLS model, we ...

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Emergence of statistically validated financial intraday lead-lag relationships

January 2, 2014

85% Match
Chester Curme, Michele Tumminello, Rosario N. Mantegna, ... , Kenett Dror Y.
Statistical Finance

According to the leading models in modern finance, the presence of intraday lead-lag relationships between financial assets is negligible in efficient markets. With the advance of technology, however, markets have become more sophisticated. To determine whether this has resulted in an improved market efficiency, we investigate whether statistically significant lagged correlation relationships exist in financial markets. We introduce a numerical method to statistically validat...

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Market Mill Dependence Pattern in the Stock Market: Asymmetry Structure, Nonlinear Correlations and Predictability

January 13, 2006

85% Match
Andrei Leonidov, Vladimir Trainin, ... , Zaitsev Sergey
Physics and Society
Other Condensed Matter
Statistical Finance

An empirical study of joint bivariate probability distribution of two consecutive price increments for a set of stocks at time scales ranging from one minute to thirty minutes reveals asymmetric structures with respect to the axes y=0, y=x, x=0 and y=-x. All four asymmetry patterns remarkably resemble a four-blade mill called market mill pattern. The four market mill patterns characterize different aspects of interdependence between past (push) and future (response) price inc...

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Nonlinear price dynamics of S&P 100 stocks

July 9, 2019

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Gunduz Caginalp, Mark DeSantis
General Finance
Statistical Finance

The methodology presented provides a quantitative way to characterize investor behavior and price dynamics within a particular asset class and time period. The methodology is applied to a data set consisting of over 250,000 data points of the S&P 100 stocks during 2004-2018. Using a two-way fixed-effects model, we uncover trader motivations including evidence of both under- and overreaction within a unified setting. A nonlinear relationship is found between return and trend s...

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Conditional dynamics driving financial markets

October 9, 2003

84% Match
M. Boguna, J. Masoliver
Condensed Matter

We report empirical evidences on the existence of a conditional dynamics driving the evolution of financial assets which is found in several markets around the world and for different historical periods. In particular, we have analyzed the DJIA database from 1900 to 2002 as well as more than 50 companies trading in the LIFFE market of futures and 12 of the major European and American treasury bonds. In all of the above cases, we find a double dynamics driving the financial ev...

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Ordinal Synchronization and Typical States in High-Frequency Digital Markets

October 13, 2021

84% Match
Mario López Pérez, Ricardo Mansilla
Adaptation and Self-Organizi...
Mathematical Finance

In this paper we study Algorithmic High-Frequency Financial Markets as dynamical networks. After an individual analysis of 24 stocks of the US market during a trading year of fully automated transactions by means of ordinal pattern series, we define an information-theoretic measure of pairwise synchronization for time series which allows us to study this subset of the US market as a dynamical network. We apply to the resulting network a couple of clustering algorithms in orde...

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Financial time-series analysis: A brief overview

April 13, 2007

84% Match
A. Chakraborti, M. Patriarca, M. S. Santhanam
Statistical Finance
Physics and Society

Prices of commodities or assets produce what is called time-series. Different kinds of financial time-series have been recorded and studied for decades. Nowadays, all transactions on a financial market are recorded, leading to a huge amount of data available, either for free in the Internet or commercially. Financial time-series analysis is of great interest to practitioners as well as to theoreticians, for making inferences and predictions. Furthermore, the stochastic uncert...

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A statistical test of market efficiency based on information theory

August 25, 2022

84% Match
Xavier Brouty, Matthieu Garcin
Statistical Finance

We determine the amount of information contained in a time series of price returns at a given time scale, by using a widespread tool of the information theory, namely the Shannon entropy, applied to a symbolic representation of this time series. By deriving the exact and the asymptotic distribution of this market information indicator in the case where the efficient market hypothesis holds, we develop a statistical test of market efficiency. We apply it to a real dataset of s...

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