ID: 1302.7259

Immune networks: multi-tasking capabilities at medium load

February 28, 2013

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The storage capacity of Potts models for semantic memory retrieval

July 5, 2005

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Emilio Kropff, Alessandro Treves
Disordered Systems and Neura...

We introduce and analyze a minimal network model of semantic memory in the human brain. The model is a global associative memory structured as a collection of N local modules, each coding a feature, which can take S possible values, with a global sparseness a (the average fraction of features describing a concept). We show that, under optimal conditions, the number c of modules connected on average to a module can range widely between very sparse connectivity (c/N -> 0) and f...

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Associative networks with diluted patterns: dynamical analysis at low and medium load

May 10, 2014

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Silvia Bartolucci, Alessia Annibale
Disordered Systems and Neura...

In this work we solve the dynamics of pattern diluted associative networks, evolving via sequential Glauber update. We derive dynamical equations for the order parameters, that quantify the simultaneous pattern recall of the system, and analyse the nature and stability of the stationary solutions by means of linear stability analysis as well as Monte Carlo simulations. We investigate the parallel retrieval capabilities of the system in different regions of the phase space, in...

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Complex physical properties of an adaptive, self-organizing biological system

July 28, 2021

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Jozsef Prechl
Molecular Networks

The physical interpretation of the functioning of the adaptive immune system, which has been thoroughly characterized on genetic and molecular levels, provides a unique opportunity to define an adaptive self-organizing biological system in its entirety. This paper describes a configuration space model of immune function, where directed chemical potentials of the system constitute a space of interactions. In the physical sense, the humoral adaptive immune system adjusts the ch...

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Memory retrieval dynamics and storage capacity of a modular network model of association cortex with featural decomposition

April 23, 2021

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Carlo Fulvi Mari
Neurons and Cognition
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Biological Physics

The primate heteromodal cortex presents an evident functional modularity at a mesoscopic level, with physiological and anatomical evidence pointing to it as likely substrate of long-term memory. In order to investigate some of its properties, a model of multimodular autoassociator is studied. Each of the many modules represents a neocortical functional ensemble of recurrently connected neurons and operates as a Hebbian autoassociator, storing a number of local features which ...

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Interpolating between boolean and extremely high noisy patterns through Minimal Dense Associative Memories

December 2, 2019

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Francesco Alemanno, Martino Centonze, Alberto Fachechi
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Machine Learning

Recently, Hopfield and Krotov introduced the concept of {\em dense associative memories} [DAM] (close to spin-glasses with $P$-wise interactions in a disordered statistical mechanical jargon): they proved a number of remarkable features these networks share and suggested their use to (partially) explain the success of the new generation of Artificial Intelligence. Thanks to a remarkable ante-litteram analysis by Baldi \& Venkatesh, among these properties, it is known these ne...

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Analytic solution of attractor neural networks on scale-free graphs

April 1, 2004

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I. Pérez Castillo, B. Wemmenhove, J. P. L. Hatchett, A. C. C. Coolen, ... , Nikoletopoulos T.
Disordered Systems and Neura...

We study the influence of network topology on retrieval properties of recurrent neural networks, using replica techniques for diluted systems. The theory is presented for a network with an arbitrary degree distribution $p(k)$ and applied to power law distributions $p(k) \sim k^{-\gamma}$, i.e. to neural networks on scale-free graphs. A bifurcation analysis identifies phase boundaries between the paramagnetic phase and either a retrieval phase or a spin glass phase. Using a po...

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Randomly Evolving Idiotypic Networks: Structural Properties and Architecture

January 17, 2012

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Holger Schmidtchen, Mario Thüne, Ulrich Behn
Cell Behavior
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Biological Physics

We consider a minimalistic dynamic model of the idiotypic network of B-lymphocytes. A network node represents a population of B-lymphocytes of the same specificity (idiotype), which is encoded by a bitstring. The links of the network connect nodes with complementary and nearly complementary bitstrings, allowing for a few mismatches. A node is occupied if a lymphocyte clone of the corresponding idiotype exists, otherwise it is empty. There is a continuous influx of new B-lymph...

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The Architecture of Idiotypic Networks: Percolation and Scaling Behaviour

June 7, 2000

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Markus Brede, Ulrich Behn
Biological Physics

We investigate a model where idiotypes (characterizing B-lymphocytes and antibodies of an immune system) and anti-idiotypes are represented by complementary bitstrings of a given length d allowing for a number of mismatches (matching rules). In this model, the vertices of the hypercube in dimension d represent the potential repertoire of idiotypes. A random set of (with probability p) occupied vertices corresponds to the expressed repertoire of idiotypes at a given moment. Ve...

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Immune Network: An Example of Complex Adaptive Systems

March 3, 1998

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Debashish Chowdhury
Statistical Mechanics

The phenomenon of immunological memory has been known for a long time. But, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. According to the theory of clonal selection the response to a specific invading antigen (e.g., bacteria) is offered by a specific clone of the cells. Some of the lymphocytes activated during the primary response remain dormant and keep circulating in the immune system for a long time carrying the memory of the encounter and, therefore, these long-lived ce...

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Associative memory on a small-world neural network

October 23, 2003

85% Match
Luis G. Morelli, Guillermo Abramson, Marcelo N. Kuperman
Adaptation and Self-Organizi...
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Neurons and Cognition

We study a model of associative memory based on a neural network with small-world structure. The efficacy of the network to retrieve one of the stored patterns exhibits a phase transition at a finite value of the disorder. The more ordered networks are unable to recover the patterns, and are always attracted to mixture states. Besides, for a range of the number of stored patterns, the efficacy has a maximum at an intermediate value of the disorder. We also give a statistical ...

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