ID: 1305.2076

Retrieving Infinite Numbers of Patterns in a Spin-Glass Model of Immune Networks

May 9, 2013

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Immune Network: An Example of Complex Adaptive Systems

March 3, 1998

85% Match
Debashish Chowdhury
Statistical Mechanics

The phenomenon of immunological memory has been known for a long time. But, the underlying mechanism is poorly understood. According to the theory of clonal selection the response to a specific invading antigen (e.g., bacteria) is offered by a specific clone of the cells. Some of the lymphocytes activated during the primary response remain dormant and keep circulating in the immune system for a long time carrying the memory of the encounter and, therefore, these long-lived ce...

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On the Aging Dynamics in an Immune Network Model

May 13, 2003

85% Match
Mauro Copelli, Rita M. Zorzenon dos Santos, Daniel A. Stariolo
Statistical Mechanics
Populations and Evolution

Recently we have used a cellular automata model which describes the dynamics of a multi-connected network to reproduce the refractory behavior and aging effects obtained in immunization experiments performed with mice when subjected to multiple perturbations. In this paper we investigate the similarities between the aging dynamics observed in this multi-connected network and the one observed in glassy systems, by using the usual tools applied to analyze the latter. An interes...

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Complex physical properties of an adaptive, self-organizing biological system

July 28, 2021

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Jozsef Prechl
Molecular Networks

The physical interpretation of the functioning of the adaptive immune system, which has been thoroughly characterized on genetic and molecular levels, provides a unique opportunity to define an adaptive self-organizing biological system in its entirety. This paper describes a configuration space model of immune function, where directed chemical potentials of the system constitute a space of interactions. In the physical sense, the humoral adaptive immune system adjusts the ch...

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The Architecture of Idiotypic Networks: Percolation and Scaling Behaviour

June 7, 2000

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Markus Brede, Ulrich Behn
Biological Physics

We investigate a model where idiotypes (characterizing B-lymphocytes and antibodies of an immune system) and anti-idiotypes are represented by complementary bitstrings of a given length d allowing for a number of mismatches (matching rules). In this model, the vertices of the hypercube in dimension d represent the potential repertoire of idiotypes. A random set of (with probability p) occupied vertices corresponds to the expressed repertoire of idiotypes at a given moment. Ve...

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Statistical mechanics of complex neural systems and high dimensional data

January 30, 2013

85% Match
Madhu Advani, Subhaneil Lahiri, Surya Ganguli
Neurons and Cognition
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Machine Learning

Recent experimental advances in neuroscience have opened new vistas into the immense complexity of neuronal networks. This proliferation of data challenges us on two parallel fronts. First, how can we form adequate theoretical frameworks for understanding how dynamical network processes cooperate across widely disparate spatiotemporal scales to solve important computational problems? And second, how can we extract meaningful models of neuronal systems from high dimensional da...

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Understanding how T helper cells learn to coordinate effective immune responses through the lens of reinforcement learning

April 11, 2019

85% Match
Takuya Kato, Tetsuya J. Kobayashi
Populations and Evolution

The adaptive immune system of vertebrates can detect, respond to, and memorize diverse pathogens from past experience. While the clonal selection of T helper (Th) cells is the simple and established mechanism to better recognize new pathogens, the question that still remains unexplored is how the Th cells can acquire better ways to bias the responses of immune cells for eliminating pathogens more efficiently by translating the recognized antigen information into regulatory si...

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On Modelling The Immune System as a Complex system

January 6, 2008

84% Match
E. Ahmed, A. H. Hashish
Populations and Evolution

We argue that immune system is an adaptive complex system. It is shown that it has emergent properties. Its network structure is of the small world network type. The network is of the threshold type, which helps in avoiding autoimmunity. It has the property that every antigen (e.g.virus or bacteria) is typically attacked by more than one effector. This stabilizes the equilibrium state. Modelling complex systems is discussed. Cellular automata (CA) type models are successful b...

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Quantitative Immunology for Physicists

July 8, 2019

84% Match
Grégoire Altan-Bonnet, Thierry Mora, Aleksandra M. Walczak
Quantitative Methods
Molecular Networks
Subcellular Processes

The adaptive immune system is a dynamical, self-organized multiscale system that protects vertebrates from both pathogens and internal irregularities, such as tumours. For these reason it fascinates physicists, yet the multitude of different cells, molecules and sub-systems is often also petrifying. Despite this complexity, as experiments on different scales of the adaptive immune system become more quantitative, many physicists have made both theoretical and experimental con...

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Self-tolerance and autoimmunity in a minimal model of the idiotypic network

September 19, 2016

84% Match
Stefan Landmann, Nicolas Preuss, Ulrich Behn
Cell Behavior

We consider self-tolerance and its failure -autoimmunity- in a minimal mathematical model of the idiotypic network. A node in the network represents a clone of B-lymphocytes and its antibodies of the same idiotype which is encoded by a bitstring. The links between nodes represent possible interactions between clones of almost complementary idiotype. A clone survives only if the number of populated neighbored nodes is neither too small nor too large. The dynamics is driven by ...

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Immunization and Aging: a Learning Process in the Immune Network

September 24, 1998

84% Match
Rita Maria Zorzenon dos UFF, Niteroi-RJ, Brazil Santos, Americo T. UFOP, Ouro Preto-MG, Brazil Bernardes
Statistical Mechanics

The immune system can be thought as a complex network of different interacting elements. A cellular automaton, defined in shape-space, was recently shown to exhibit self-regulation and complex behavior and is, therefore, a good candidate to model the immune system. Using this model to simulate a real immune system we find good agreement with recent experiments on mice. The model exhibits the experimentally observed refractory behavior of the immune system under multiple antig...

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