ID: 1310.8141

Parameterized Differential Equations over k((t))(x)

October 30, 2013

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Calculating differential Galois groups of parametrized differential equations, with applications to hypertranscendence

May 26, 2015

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Charlotte Hardouin, Andrei Minchenko, Alexey Ovchinnikov
Commutative Algebra
Classical Analysis and ODEs
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The main motivation of our work is to create an efficient algorithm that decides hypertranscendence of solutions of linear differential equations, via the parameterized differential and Galois theories. To achieve this, we expand the representation theory of linear differential algebraic groups and develop new algorithms that calculate unipotent radicals of parameterized differential Galois groups for differential equations whose coefficients are rational functions. P. Berman...

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A note on the inverse problem for finite differential Galois groups

February 16, 2024

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Camilo Sanabria Malagón
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In this paper we revisit the following inverse problem: given a curve invariant under an irreducible finite linear algebraic group, can we construct an ordinary linear differential equation whose Schwarz map parametrizes it? We present an algorithmic solution to this problem under the assumption that we are given the function field of the quotient curve. The result provides a generalization and an efficient implementation of the solution to the inverse problem exposed by M. v...

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Computing the differential Galois group of a one-parameter family of second order linear differential equations

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Carlos E. Arreche
Commutative Algebra
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We develop algorithms to compute the differential Galois group corresponding to a one-parameter family of second order homogeneous ordinary linear differential equations with rational function coefficients. More precisely, we consider equations of the form \frac{\partial^2Y}{\partial x^2}+ r_1\frac{\partial Y}{\partial x} +r_2Y=0, where $r_1,r_2\in C(x,t)$ and $C$ is an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We work in the setting of parameterized Picard-Vessiot...

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On the definition of the Galois group of linear differential equations

December 17, 2012

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Katsunori Saito
Algebraic Geometry
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Let us consider a linear differential equation over a differential field K. For a differential field extension L/K generated by a fundamental system of the equation, we show that Galois group according to the general Galois theory of Umemura coincides with the Picard-Vessiot Galois group. This conclusion generalized the comparision theorem of Umemura and Casale.

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Introduction to the Galois Theory of Linear Differential Equations

December 26, 2007

86% Match
Michael F. Singer
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Symbolic Computation

This is an expanded version of the 10 lectures given as the 2006 London Mathematical Society Invited Lecture Series at the Heriot-Watt University 31 July - 4 August 2006.

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Unipotent differential algebraic groups as parameterized differential Galois groups

January 1, 2013

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Andrey Minchenko, Alexey Ovchinnikov, Michael F. Singer
Commutative Algebra
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Dynamical Systems
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We deal with aspects of the direct and inverse problems in parameterized Picard-Vessiot (PPV) theory. It is known that, for certain fields, a linear differential algebraic group (LDAG) G is a PPV Galois group over these fields if and only if G contains a Kolchin-dense finitely generated group. We show that, for a class of LDAGs G, including unipotent groups, G is such a group if and only if it has differential type 0. We give a procedure to determine if a parameterized linear...

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Solving differential equations

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K. A. Nguyen, der Put M. van
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Algebraic Geometry

The theme of this paper is to `solve' an absolutely irreducible differential module explicitly in terms of modules of lower dimension and finite extensions of the differential field $K$. Representations of semi-simple Lie algebras and differential Galois theory are the main tools. The results extend the classical work of G. Fano.

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On the Constructive Inverse Problem in Differential Galois Theory

March 23, 2004

86% Match
William J. Cook, Claude Mitschi, Michael F. Singer
General Mathematics
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Group Theory

We give sufficient conditions for a linear differential equation to have a given semisimple group as its Galois group. For any linear algebraic group G given as a semidirect product of a finite subgroup and a normal subgroup that is a product of groups of type An, Cn, Dn, E6, or E7, we construct a differential equation over C(x) having Galois group G.

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Differential Embedding Problems over Laurent series fields

October 6, 2017

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Annette Bachmayr, David Harbater, Julia Hartmann
Commutative Algebra

We solve the inverse differential Galois problem over the fraction field of $k[[t,x]]$ and use this to solve split differential embedding problems over $k((t))(x)$ that are induced from $k(x)$. The proofs use patching as well as prior results on inverse problems and embedding problems.

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Arithmetic differential equations on $GL_n$, III: Galois groups

August 3, 2013

86% Match
Alexandru Buium, Taylor Dupuy
Number Theory

Differential equations have arithmetic analogues in which derivatives are replaced by Fermat quotients; these analogues are called arithmetic differential equations and the present paper is concerned with the "linear" ones. The equations themselves were introduced in a previous paper. In the present paper we deal with the solutions of these equations as well as with the differential Galois groups attached to the solutions.

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