May 2, 2012
We are interested in classifying those sets of primes $\mathcal{P}$ such that when we sieve out the integers up to $x$ by the primes in $\mathcal{P}^c$ we are left with roughly the expected number of unsieved integers. In particular, we obtain the first general results for sieving an interval of length $x$ with primes including some in $(\sqrt{x},x]$, using methods motivated by additive combinatorics.
November 18, 2018
We establish a general large sieve inequality with sparse sets $\mathcal{S}$ of moduli in the Gaussian integers which are in a sense well-distributed in arithmetic progressions. This extends earlier work of S. Baier on the large sieve with sparse sets of moduli. We then use this result to obtain large sieve bounds for the cases when $\mathcal{S}$ consists of squares of Gaussian integers and of Gaussian primes. Our bound for the case of square moduli improves a recent result b...
December 13, 2005
We establish a result on the large sieve with square moduli. These bounds impro ve recent results by S. Baier(math.NT/0512228) and L. Zhao(math.NT/0508125).
August 7, 2005
In this paper, we develop a large sieve type inequality for some special characters whose moduli are squares of primes. Our result gives non-trivial estimate in certain ranges.
December 3, 2007
For every positive integer h, the representation function of order h associated to a subset A of the integers or, more generally, of any group or semigroup X, counts the number of ways an element of X can be written as the sum (or product, if X is nonabelian) of h not necessarily distinct elements of X. The direct problem for representation functions in additive number theory begins with a subset A of X and seeks to understand its representation functions. The inverse problem...
July 18, 2005
An old question of Erdos asks if there exists, for each number N, a finite set S of integers greater than N and residue classes r(n) mod n for n in S whose union is all the integers. We prove that if $\sum_{n\in S} 1/n$ is bounded for such a covering of the integers, then the least member of S is also bounded, thus confirming a conjecture of Erdos and Selfridge. We also prove a conjecture of Erdos and Graham, that, for each fixed number K>1, the complement in the integers of ...
November 9, 2011
Let S be an infinite set of non-empty, finite subsets of the nonnegative integers. If p is an odd prime, let c(p) denote the cardinality of the set {T {\in} S : T {\subseteq} {1,...,p-1} and T is a set of quadratic residues (respectively, non-residues) of p}. When S is constructed in various ways from the set of all arithmetic progressions of nonnegative integers, we determine the sharp asymptotic behavior of c(p) as p {\to} +{\infty}. Generalizations and variations of this a...
October 28, 2019
In this paper, we establish a version of the large sieve with square moduli for imaginary quadratic extensions of rational function fields of odd characteristics.
December 10, 2004
The main purpose of this survey is to introduce an inexperienced reader to additive prime number theory and some related branches of analytic number theory. We state the main problems in the field, sketch their history and the basic machinery used to study them, and try to give a representative sample of the directions of current research.
March 11, 2014
We say that a set $S$ is additively decomposed into two sets $A$ and $B$ if $S = \{a+b : a\in A, \ b \in B\}$. A. S\'ark\"ozy has recently conjectured that the set $Q$ of quadratic residues modulo a prime $p$ does not have nontrivial decompositions. Although various partial results towards this conjecture have been obtained, it is still open. Here we obtain a nontrivial upper bound on the number of such decompositions.