January 3, 2014
We consider coupling an ordinary quantum field theory with an infinite number of degrees of freedom to a topological field theory. On R^d the new theory differs from the original one by the spectrum of operators. Sometimes the local operators are the same but there are different line operators, surface operators, etc. The effects of the added topological degrees of freedom are more dramatic when we compactify R^d, and they are crucial in the context of electric-magnetic duality. We explore several examples including Dijkgraaf-Witten theories and their generalizations both in the continuum and on the lattice. When we couple them to ordinary quantum field theories the topological degrees of freedom allow us to express certain characteristic classes of gauge fields as integrals of local densities, thus simplifying the analysis of their physical consequences.
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November 29, 2000
Following my plenary lecture on ICMP2000 I review my results concerning two closely related topics: topological quantum field theories and the problem of quantization of gauge theories. I start with old results (first examples of topological quantum field theories were constructed in my papers in late seventies) and I come to some new results, that were not published yet.
September 5, 2013
In this note, we discuss electric-magnetic duality between a pair of 4d topological field theories (TQFTs) by considering their compactifications to 2 dimensions. These TQFTs control the long-distance behavior of loop and surface operators in 4d gauge theories with gapped phases. These were recently used in work by S. Gukov and A. Kapustin in detecting phases not distinguishable by the Wilson-'t Hooft criterion and by A. Kapustin and the author to construct discrete theta-ang...
January 29, 1999
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June 3, 1996
It is argued that quantum gravity has an interpretation as a topological field theory provided a certain constraint from the path intergral measure is respected. The constraint forces us to couple gauge and matter fields to gravity for space - time dimensions different from 3. We then discuss possible models which may be relevant to our universe.
September 18, 2013
We study topological field theory describing gapped phases of gauge theories where the gauge symmetry is partially Higgsed and partially confined. The TQFT can be formulated both in the continuum and on the lattice and generalizes Dijkgraaf-Witten theory by replacing a finite group by a finite 2-group. The basic field in this TQFT is a 2-connection on a principal 2-bundle. We classify topological actions for such theories as well as loop and surface observables. When the topo...
February 13, 2007
The relationship between the sources of physical fields and the fields themselves is investigated with regard to the coupling of topological information between them. A class of field theories that we call topological field theories is defined such that both the field and its source represent de Rham cocycles in varying dimensions over complementary subspaces and the coupling of one to the other is by way of an isomorphism of the those cohomology spaces, which we refer to as ...
September 26, 1997
In these lectures we present a general introduction to topological quantum field theories. These theories are discussed in the framework of the Mathai-Quillen formalism and in the context of twisted N=2 supersymmetric theories. We discuss in detail the recent developments in Donaldson-Witten theory obtained from the application of results based on duality for N=2 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. This involves a description of the computation of Donaldson invariants in term...
June 17, 2020
In many gauge theories, the existence of particles in every representation of the gauge group (also known as completeness of the spectrum) is equivalent to the absence of one-form global symmetries. However, this relation does not hold, for example, in the gauge theory of non-abelian finite groups. We refine this statement by considering topological operators that are not necessarily associated with any global symmetry. For discrete gauge theory in three spacetime dimensions,...
August 25, 2022
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