ID: 1402.2757

Quantum Gravity for Dummies

February 12, 2014

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Deepak Vaid
General Relativity and Quant...
Popular Physics

I have been asked to write brief, gentle introduction to the basic idea behind the field of "quantum gravity" in 1500 words or less. Doing so appears to be almost as great a challenge as coming up with a consistent theory of quantum gravity. However, I will try. Disclaimer: \emph{The views expressed in this article are my own and do not represent the consensus of the quantum gravity community}.

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Introduction to Quantum Gravity

May 30, 2012

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Ricardo Paszko
General Relativity and Quant...

In this talk, we give a glimpse of the problems with quantum gravity and some possible solutions.

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Gravity and the Quantum

October 13, 2004

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Abhay Ashtekar
General Relativity and Quant...

The goal of this article is to present a broad perspective on quantum gravity for \emph{non-experts}. After a historical introduction, key physical problems of quantum gravity are illustrated. While there are a number of interesting and insightful approaches to address these issues, over the past two decades sustained progress has primarily occurred in two programs: string theory and loop quantum gravity. The first program is described in Horowitz's contribution while my arti...

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Structural Issues in Quantum Gravity

October 31, 1995

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Chris Isham
General Relativity and Quant...
High Energy Physics - Theory
Quantum Physics

A discursive, non-technical, analysis is made of some of the basic issues that arise in almost any approach to quantum gravity, and of how these issues stand in relation to recent developments in the field. Specific topics include the applicability of the conceptual and mathematical structures of both classical general relativity and standard quantum theory. This discussion is preceded by a short history of the last twenty-five years of research in quantum gravity, and conclu...

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Quantum gravity -- an unfinished revolution

February 25, 2023

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Claus Kiefer
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It is generally assumed that the search for a consistent and testable theory of quantum gravity is among the most important open problems of fundamental physics. I review the motivations for this search, the main problems on the way, and the status of present approaches and their physical relevance. I speculate on what the situation could be in 2050.

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Quantum Gravity at the Turn of the Millennium

November 24, 2000

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Gary T. Horowitz
General Relativity and Quant...
High Energy Physics - Theory

A very brief review is given of the current state of research in quantum gravity. Over the past fifteen years, two approaches have emerged as the most promising paths to a quantum theory of gravity: string theory and quantum geometry. I will discuss the main achievements and open problems of each of these approaches, and compare their strengths and weaknesses.

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Quantum Gravity in 30 Questions

June 14, 2022

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R. Loll, G. Fabiano, ... , Wagner F.
High Energy Physics - Theory

Quantum gravity is the missing piece in our understanding of the fundamental interactions today. Given recent observational breakthroughs in gravity, providing a quantum theory for what lies beyond general relativity is more urgent than ever. However, the complex history of quantum gravity and the multitude of available approaches can make it difficult to get a grasp of the topic and its main challenges and opportunities. We provide a guided tour of quantum gravity in the for...

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From General Relativity to Quantum Gravity

August 19, 2014

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Abhay Ashtekar, Martin Reuter, Carlo Rovelli
Mathematical Physics

In general relativity (GR), spacetime geometry is no longer just a background arena but a physical and dynamical entity with its own degrees of freedom. We present an overview of approaches to quantum gravity in which this central feature of GR is at the forefront. However, the short distance dynamics in the quantum theory are quite different from those of GR and classical spacetimes and gravitons emerge only in a suitable limit. Our emphasis is on communicating the key strat...

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The quantization of gravity - an introduction

April 3, 2000

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David Wallace
General Relativity and Quant...
Quantum Physics

This is an introduction to quantum gravity, aimed at a fairly general audience and concentrating on what have historically two main approaches to quantum gravity: the covariant and canonical programs (string theory is not covered). The quantization of gravity is discussed by analogy with the quantization of the electromagnetic field. The conceptual and technical problems of both approaches are discussed, and the paper concludes with a discussion of evidence for quantum gravit...

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A Speculative Approach to Quantum Gravity

May 25, 1999

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Paul University of Michigan Federbush
Mathematical Physics

The bare bones of a theory of quantum gravity are exposed. It may have the potential to solve the cosmological constant problem. Less certain is its behavior in the Newtonian limit.

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Quantum Gravity: a Progress Report

August 14, 2001

92% Match
S. Carlip
General Relativity and Quant...
High Energy Physics - Theory

The problem of reconciling general relativity and quantum theory has fascinated and bedeviled physicists for more than 70 years. Despite recent progress in string theory and loop quantum gravity, a complete solution remains out of reach. I review the status of the continuing effort to quantize gravity, emphasizing the underlying conceptual issues and the various attempts to come to grips with them.

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