ID: 1404.4689

N=(0, 2) Deformation of (2, 2) Sigma Models: Geometric Structure, Holomorphic Anomaly and Exact Beta Functions

April 18, 2014

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On nonanticommutative N=2 sigma-models in two dimensions

March 2, 2005

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Luis Alvarez-Gaume, Miguel A. Vazquez-Mozo
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study nonanticommutative deformations of N=2 two-dimensional Euclidean sigma models. We find that these theories are described by simple deformations of Zumino's Lagrangian and the holomorphic superpotential. Geometrically, this deformation can be interpreted as a fuzziness in target space controlled by the vacuum expectation value of the auxiliary field. In the case of nonanticommutative deformations preserving Euclidean invariance, we find that a continuation of the defo...

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Geometry and beta-functions for N=2 matter models in two dimensions

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High Energy Physics - Theory

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The Quantum Geometry of N=(2,2) Non-Linear Sigma-Models

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M. T. Grisaru, M. Massar, ... , Troost J.
High Energy Physics - Theory

We consider a general N=(2,2) non-linear sigma-model in (2,2) superspace. Depending on the details of the complex structures involved, an off-shell description can be given in terms of chiral, twisted chiral and semi-chiral superfields. Using superspace techniques, we derive the conditions the potential has to satisfy in order to be ultra-violet finite at one loop. We pay particular attention to the effects due to the presence of semi-chiral superfields. A complete descriptio...

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Chiral Algebras of (0,2) Models

January 4, 2010

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Junya Yagi
Algebraic Geometry
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We explore two-dimensional sigma models with (0,2) supersymmetry through their chiral algebras. Perturbatively, the chiral algebras of (0,2) models have a rich infinite-dimensional structure described by the cohomology of a sheaf of chiral differential operators. Nonperturbatively, instantons can deform this structure drastically. We show that under some conditions they even annihilate the whole algebra, thereby triggering the spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. For a cert...

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Localizing non-linear ${\cal N}=(2,2)$ sigma model on $S^2$

February 21, 2022

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Victor Alekseev, Guido Festuccia, Victor Mishnyakov, ... , Zabzine Maxim
Mathematical Physics

We present a systematic study of ${\cal N}=(2,2)$ supersymmetric non-linear sigma models on $S^2$ with the target being a K\"ahler manifold. We discuss their reformulation in terms of cohomological field theory. In the cohomological formulation we use a novel version of 2D self-duality which involves a $U(1)$ action on $S^2$. In addition to the generic model we discuss the theory with target space equivariance corresponding to a supersymmetric sigma model coupled to a non-dyn...

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N=(4,4) Gauged Linear Sigma Models for Defect Five-branes

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Tetsuji Kimura
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study two-dimensional ${\cal N}=(4,4)$ gauged linear sigma model (GLSM). Its low energy effective theory is a nonlinear sigma model whose target space gives rise to a configuration of five-branes in string theory. In this article we focus on sigma models for NS5-branes, KK5-branes and an exotic $5^2_2$-brane. In particular, we carefully analyze the GLSM for an exotic $5^2_2$-brane whose background configuration is multi-valued. The exotic $5^2_2$-brane is a concrete exampl...

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Two-Dimensional Twisted Sigma Models, the Mirror Chiral de Rham Complex, and Twisted Generalised Mirror Symmetry

May 6, 2007

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Meng-Chwan Tan
Algebraic Geometry
Quantum Algebra

In this paper, we study the perturbative aspects of a "B-twisted" two-dimensional $(0,2)$ heterotic sigma model on a holomorphic gauge bundle $\mathcal E$ over a complex, hermitian manifold $X$. We show that the model can be naturally described in terms of the mathematical theory of ``Chiral Differential Operators". In particular, the physical anomalies of the sigma model can be reinterpreted as an obstruction to a global definition of the associated sheaf of vertex superalge...

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N = (2, 2) Non-Linear sigma-Models: A Synopsis

May 21, 2013

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Alexander Sevrin, Daniel C. Thompson
High Energy Physics - Theory

We review N=(2,2) supersymmetric non-linear sigma-models in two dimensions and their relation to generalized Kahler and Calabi-Yau geometry. We illustrate this with an explicit non-trivial example.

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Making supersymmetric connected N =(0,2) Sigma Models

July 10, 2014

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Mikhail Shifman, Arkady Vainshtein, Alexei Yung
High Energy Physics - Theory

We construct "connected" (0,2) sigma models starting from n copies of (2,2) CP(N-1) models. General aspects of models of this type (known as T+O deformations) had been previously studied in the context of heterotic string theories. Our construction presents a natural generalization of the nonminimally deformed (2,2) model with an extra (0,2) fermion superfield on tangent bundle T CP(N-1) x C^1. We had thoroughly analyzed the latter model previously, found the exact beta funct...

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The complex world of superstrings: On semichiral sigma models

May 11, 2017

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Malin Göteman
High Energy Physics - Theory

Non-linear sigma models with extended supersymmetry have constrained target space geometries, and can serve as effective tools for investigating and constructing new geometries. Analyzing the geometrical and topological properties of sigma models is necessary to understand the underlying structures of string theory. The most general two-dimensional sigma model with manifest N=(2,2) supersymmetry can be parametrized by chiral, twisted chiral and semichiral superfields. In the ...

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