ID: 1405.3132

Energies and structure of additive sets

May 13, 2014

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Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

In the paper we prove that any sumset or difference set has large E_3 energy. Also, we give a full description of families of sets having critical relations between some kind of energies such as E_k, T_k and Gowers norms. In particular, we give criteria for a set to be a 1) set of the form H+L, where H+H is small and L has "random structure", 2) set equals a disjoint union of sets H_j, each H_j has small doubling, 3) set having large subset A' with 2A' is equal to a set with small doubling and |A'+A'| \approx |A|^4 / \E(A).

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