ID: 1407.0375

Mathematical and Algorithmic Analysis of Network and Biological Data

June 30, 2014

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Handbook of Network Analysis [KONECT -- the Koblenz Network Collection]

February 22, 2014

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Jérôme Kunegis
Social and Information Netwo...
Physics and Society

This is the handbook for the KONECT project, the \emph{Koblenz Network Collection}, a scientific project to collect, analyse, and provide network datasets for researchers in all related fields of research, by the Namur Center for Complex Systems (naXys) at the University of Namur, Belgium, with web hosting provided by the Institute for Web Science and Technologies (WeST) at the University of Koblenz--Landau, Germany.

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PDE Approaches to Graph Analysis

April 30, 2015

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Justin Solomon
Discrete Mathematics
Social and Information Netwo...

This paper surveys and discusses recent work adapting partial differential equation (PDE) models to discrete structures.

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Spectral Graph Analysis: A Unified Explanation and Modern Perspectives

January 21, 2019

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Subhadeep Mukhopadhyay, Kaijun Wang
Statistics Theory
Statistics Theory

Complex networks or graphs are ubiquitous in sciences and engineering: biological networks, brain networks, transportation networks, social networks, and the World Wide Web, to name a few. Spectral graph theory provides a set of useful techniques and models for understanding `patterns of interconnectedness' in a graph. Our prime focus in this paper is on the following question: Is there a unified explanation and description of the fundamental spectral graph methods? There are...

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Study of the structure and dynamics of complex biological networks

December 30, 2008

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Areejit Samal
Molecular Networks

In this thesis, we have studied the large scale structure and system level dynamics of certain biological networks using tools from graph theory, computational biology and dynamical systems. We study the structure and dynamics of large scale metabolic networks inside three organisms, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Staphylococcus aureus. We also study the dynamics of the large scale genetic network controlling E. coli metabolism. We have tried to explain the ob...

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Biological Networks

February 12, 2002

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Indrani Bose
Molecular Networks

In this review, we give an introduction to the structural and functional properties of the biological networks. We focus on three major themes: topology of complex biological networks like the metabolic and protein-protein interaction networks, nonlinear dynamics in gene regulatory networks and in particular the design of synthetic genetic networks using the concepts and techniques of nonlinear physics and lastly the effect of stochasticity on the dynamics. The examples chose...

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Methods of Information Theory and Algorithmic Complexity for Network Biology

January 15, 2014

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Hector Zenil, Narsis A. Kiani, Jesper Tegnér
Molecular Networks
Quantitative Methods

We survey and introduce concepts and tools located at the intersection of information theory and network biology. We show that Shannon's information entropy, compressibility and algorithmic complexity quantify different local and global aspects of synthetic and biological data. We show examples such as the emergence of giant components in Erdos-Renyi random graphs, and the recovery of topological properties from numerical kinetic properties simulating gene expression data. We...

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Spectral Inference Methods on Sparse Graphs: Theory and Applications

October 14, 2016

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Alaa Saade
Disordered Systems and Neura...
Information Theory
Machine Learning
Information Theory

In an era of unprecedented deluge of (mostly unstructured) data, graphs are proving more and more useful, across the sciences, as a flexible abstraction to capture complex relationships between complex objects. One of the main challenges arising in the study of such networks is the inference of macroscopic, large-scale properties affecting a large number of objects, based solely on the microscopic interactions between their elementary constituents. Statistical physics, precis...

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Algebraic Statistics in Practice: Applications to Networks

June 23, 2019

89% Match
Marta Casanellas, Sonja Petrović, Caroline Uhler
Statistics Theory
Commutative Algebra
Statistics Theory

Algebraic statistics uses tools from algebra (especially from multilinear algebra, commutative algebra and computational algebra), geometry and combinatorics to provide insight into knotty problems in mathematical statistics. In this survey we illustrate this on three problems related to networks, namely network models for relational data, causal structure discovery and phylogenetics. For each problem we give an overview of recent results in algebraic statistics with emphasis...

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Graph Theory and Optimization Problems for Very Large Networks

July 17, 2009

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Kamal Ahmat
Networking and Internet Arch...
Artificial Intelligence

Graph theory provides a primary tool for analyzing and designing computer communication networks. In the past few decades, Graph theory has been used to study various types of networks, including the Internet, wide Area Networks, Local Area Networks, and networking protocols such as border Gateway Protocol, Open shortest Path Protocol, and Networking Networks. In this paper, we present some key graph theory concepts used to represent different types of networks. Then we descr...

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Graph spectra as a systematic tool in computational biology

June 1, 2007

89% Match
Anirban Banerjee, Jürgen Jost
Adaptation and Self-Organizi...
Quantitative Methods

We present the spectrum of the (normalized) graph Laplacian as a systematic tool for the investigation of networks, and we describe basic properties of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. Processes of graph formation like motif joining or duplication leave characteristic traces in the spectrum. This can suggest hypotheses about the evolution of a graph representing biological data. To this data, we analyze several biological networks in terms of rough qualitative data of their sp...

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