ID: 1407.4987

On the dimension of additive sets

July 18, 2014

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March 22, 2005

82% Match
David Doty, Xiaoyang Gu, Jack H. Lutz, ... , Moser Philippe
Computational Complexity
Information Theory
Information Theory

The zeta-dimension of a set A of positive integers is the infimum s such that the sum of the reciprocals of the s-th powers of the elements of A is finite. Zeta-dimension serves as a fractal dimension on the positive integers that extends naturally usefully to discrete lattices such as the set of all integer lattice points in d-dimensional space. This paper reviews the origins of zeta-dimension (which date to the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries) and develops its basic...

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Complex dimension of additive subgroups of R^{n}

May 14, 2013

82% Match
Yahya N'Dao, Adlene Ayadi
Dynamical Systems
Algebraic Geometry

In this paper, we define the complex dimension of any additive subgroup of R^{n}$which generalize the euclidien dimension given for the vector space. We give an explicit method to calculate this dimension.

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On the size of dissociated bases

May 2, 2010

82% Match
Vsevolod F. Lev, Raphael Yuster

We prove that the sizes of the maximal dissociated subsets of a given finite subset of an abelian group differ by a logarithmic factor at most. On the other hand, we show that the set $\{0,1\}^n\seq\Z^n$ possesses a dissociated subset of size $\Ome(n\log n)$; since the standard basis of $\Z^n$ is a maximal dissociated subset of $\{0,1\}^n$ of size $n$, the result just mentioned is essentially sharp.

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On the dimension of iterated sumsets

June 8, 2009

81% Match
Jörg Schmeling, Pablo Shmerkin
Classical Analysis and ODEs

Let A be a subset of the real line. We study the fractal dimensions of the k-fold iterated sumsets kA, defined as kA = A+...+A (k times). We show that for any non-decreasing sequence {a_k} taking values in [0,1], there exists a compact set A such that kA has Hausdorff dimension a_k for all k. We also show how to control various kinds of dimension simultaneously for families of iterated sumsets. These results are in stark contrast to the Plunnecke-Rusza inequalities in add...

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Set addition in boxes and the Freiman-Bilu theorem

October 12, 2005

81% Match
Ben Green
Number Theory

We show that if A is a large subset of a box in Z^d with dimensions L_1 >= L_2 >= ... >= L_d which are all reasonably large, then |A + A| > 2^{d/48}|A|. By combining this with Chang's quantitative version of Freiman's theorem, we prove a structural result about sets with small sumset. If A is a set of integers with |A + A| <= K|A|, then there is a progression P of dimension d << log K such that |A \cap P| >= \exp(-K^C)max (|A|, |P|). This is closely related to a theorem of ...

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Asymptotic Dimension

March 26, 2007

81% Match
G. Bell, A. Dranishnikov
Geometric Topology
Group Theory

The asymptotic dimension theory was founded by Gromov in the early 90s. In this paper we give a survey of its recent history where we emphasize two of its features: an analogy with the dimension theory of compact metric spaces and applications to the theory of discrete groups.

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Extremal problems and the combinatorics of sumsets

October 27, 2023

81% Match
Melvyn B. Nathanson
Number Theory

This is a survey of old and new problems and results in additive number theory.

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Hausdorff Dimension and Diophantine Approximation

May 28, 2003

81% Match
M. Maurice Dodson, Simon Kristensen
Number Theory

We begin with a brief treatment of Hausdorff measure and Hausdorff dimension. We then explain some of the principal results in Diophantine approximation and the Hausdorff dimension of related sets, originating in the pioneering work of Vojtech Jarnik. We conclude with some applications of these results to the metrical structure of exceptional sets associated with some famous problems. It is not intended that all the recent developments be covered but they can be found in the ...

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Approximating Sumset Size

July 26, 2021

81% Match
Anindya De, Shivam Nadimpalli, Rocco A. Servedio
Data Structures and Algorith...
Discrete Mathematics

Given a subset $A$ of the $n$-dimensional Boolean hypercube $\mathbb{F}_2^n$, the sumset $A+A$ is the set $\{a+a': a, a' \in A\}$ where addition is in $\mathbb{F}_2^n$. Sumsets play an important role in additive combinatorics, where they feature in many central results of the field. The main result of this paper is a sublinear-time algorithm for the problem of sumset size estimation. In more detail, our algorithm is given oracle access to (the indicator function of) an arbi...

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Lower Bounds for Dimensions of Sums of Sets

August 13, 2008

81% Match
Daniel M. Oberlin
Classical Analysis and ODEs

We study lower bounds for the Minkowski and Hausdorff dimensions of the algebraic sum E+K of two subsets E and K of d-dimensional Euclidean space.

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