ID: 1408.6968

Sato-Tate groups of genus 2 curves

August 29, 2014

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Kiran S. Kedlaya
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry

We describe the analogue of the Sato-Tate conjecture for an abelian variety over a number field; this predicts that the zeta functions of the reductions over various finite fields, when properly normalized, have a limiting distribution predicted by a certain group-theoretic construction related to Hodge theory, Galois images, and endomorphisms. After making precise the definition of the "Sato-Tate group" appearing in this conjecture, we describe the classification of Sato-Tate groups of abelian surfaces due to Fite-Kedlaya-Rotger-Sutherland. (These are notes from a three-lecture series presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute "Arithmetic of Hyperelliptic Curves" held in Ohrid (Macedonia) August 25-September 5, 2014, and are expected to appear in a proceedings volume.)

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Sato-Tate distributions and Galois endomorphism modules in genus 2

October 30, 2011

91% Match
Francesc Fité, Kiran S. Kedlaya, ... , Sutherland Andrew V.
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry

For an abelian surface A over a number field k, we study the limiting distribution of the normalized Euler factors of the L-function of A. This distribution is expected to correspond to taking characteristic polynomials of a uniform random matrix in some closed subgroup of USp(4); this Sato-Tate group may be obtained from the Galois action on any Tate module of A. We show that the Sato-Tate group is limited to a particular list of 55 groups up to conjugacy. We then classify A...

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An algebraic Sato-Tate group and Sato-Tate conjecture

September 21, 2011

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Grzegorz Banaszak, Kiran S. Kedlaya
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry

We make explicit a construction of Serre giving a definition of an algebraic Sato-Tate group associated to an abelian variety over a number field, which is conjecturally linked to the distribution of normalized L-factors as in the usual Sato-Tate conjecture for elliptic curves. The connected part of the algebraic Sato-Tate group is closely related to the Mumford-Tate group, but the group of components carries additional arithmetic information. We then check that in many cases...

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Sato-Tate distributions of twists of y^2=x^5-x and y^2=x^6+1

March 7, 2012

89% Match
Francesc Fité, Andrew V. Sutherland
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry

We determine the limiting distribution of the normalized Euler factors of an abelian surface A defined over a number field k when A is isogenous to the square of an elliptic curve defined over k with complex multiplication. As an application, we prove the Sato-Tate Conjecture for Jacobians of Q-twists of the curves y^2=x^5-x and y^2=x^6+1, which give rise to 18 of the 34 possibilities for the Sato-Tate group of an abelian surface defined over Q. With twists of these two curve...

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Sato-Tate Distributions on Abelian Surfaces

August 1, 2018

88% Match
Noah Taylor
Number Theory

We prove a few new cases of the Sato-Tate conjecture for abelian surfaces, using a new automorphy theorem of Allen et al. Then in the unproven cases, we use partial results to describe nontrivial asymptotics on the trace of Frobenius, and prove their optimality given current knowledge.

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Sato-Tate Distributions of Catalan Curves

September 15, 2021

87% Match
Heidi Goodson
Number Theory

For distinct odd primes $p$ and $q$, we define the Catalan curve $C_{p,q}$ by the affine equation $y^q=x^p-1$. In this article we construct the Sato-Tate groups of the Jacobians in order to study the limiting distributions of coefficients of their normalized L-polynomials.Catalan Jacobians are nondegenerate and simple with noncyclic Galois groups (of the endomorphism fields over $\mathbb Q$), thus making them interesting varieties to study in the context of Sato-Tate groups. ...

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On the Sato-Tate conjecture for non-generic abelian surfaces

July 24, 2013

87% Match
Christian Johansson
Number Theory

We prove many non-generic cases of the Sato-Tate conjecture for abelian surfaces as formulated by Fite, Kedlaya, Rotger and Sutherland, using the potential automorphy theorems of Barnet-Lamb, Gee, Geraghty and Taylor.

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Sato-Tate groups of abelian threefolds

June 25, 2021

87% Match
Francesc Fité, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Andrew V. Sutherland
Number Theory
Algebraic Geometry

Given an abelian variety over a number field, its Sato-Tate group is a compact Lie group which conjecturally controls the distribution of Euler factors of the L-function of the abelian variety. It was previously shown by Fit\'e, Kedlaya, Rotger, and Sutherland that there are 52 groups (up to conjugation) that occur as Sato-Tate groups of abelian surfaces over number fields; we show here that for abelian threefolds, there are 410 possible Sato-Tate groups, of which 33 are maxi...

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Sato-Tate Distributions

April 5, 2016

86% Match
Andrew V. Sutherland
Number Theory

In this expository article we explore the relationship between Galois representations, motivic L-functions, Mumford-Tate groups, and Sato-Tate groups, and we give an explicit formulation of the Sato-Tate conjecture for abelian varieties as an equidistribution statement relative to the Sato-Tate group. We then discuss the classification of Sato-Tate groups of abelian varieties of dimension g <= 3 and compute some of the corresponding trace distributions. This article is based ...

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Sato-Tate Distributions of $y^2=x^p-1$ and $y^2=x^{2p}-1$

April 22, 2020

86% Match
Melissa Emory, Heidi Goodson
Number Theory

We determine the Sato-Tate groups and prove the generalized Sato-Tate conjecture for the Jacobians of curves of the form $$ y^2=x^p-1 \text{ and } y^2=x^{2p}-1,$$ where $p$ is an odd prime. Our results rely on the fact the Jacobians of these curves are nondegenerate, a fact that we prove in the paper. Furthermore, we compute moment statistics associated to the Sato-Tate groups. These moment statistics can be used to verify the equidistribution statement of the generalized Sat...

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Fields of definition of elliptic $k$-curves and the realizability of all genus 2 Sato--Tate groups over a number field

November 7, 2015

86% Match
Francesc Fité, Xavier Guitart
Number Theory

Let $A/\mathbb{Q}$ be an abelian variety of dimension $g\geq 1$ that is isogenous over $\overline{\mathbb{Q}}$ to $E^g$, where $E$ is an elliptic curve. If $E$ does not have complex multiplication (CM), by results of Ribet and Elkies concerning fields of definition of elliptic $\mathbb{Q}$-curves $E$ is isogenous to a curve defined over a polyquadratic extension of $\mathbb{Q}$. We show that one can adapt Ribet's methods to study the field of definition of $E$ up to isogeny a...

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