ID: 1410.4113

A Direct Algorithm to Compute the Topological Euler Characteristic and Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson Class of Projective Complete Intersection Varieties

October 15, 2014

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The quadratic Euler characteristic of a smooth projective same-degree complete intersection

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We find an algorithm to compute the quadratic Euler characteristic of a smooth projective complete intersection of hypersurfaces of the same degree. As an example, we compute the quadratic Euler characteristic of a smooth projective complete intersection of two generalized Fermat hypersurfaces. The results presented here also form a chapter in the author's thesis, which was submitted on May 30'th, 2023.

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Hirzebruch-Milnor classes of complete intersections

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We prove a new formula for the Hirzebruch-Milnor classes of global complete intersections with arbitrary singularities describing the difference between the Hirzebruch classes and the virtual ones. This generalizes a formula for the Chern-Milnor classes in the hypersurface case that was conjectured by S. Yokura and was proved by A. Parusinski and P. Pragacz. It also generalizes a formula of J. Seade and T. Suwa for the Chern-Milnor classes of complete intersections with isola...

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Characteristic Classes of Hypersurfaces and Characteristic Cycles

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We give a new formula for the Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson class of a hypersurface in a nonsigular compact complex analytic variety. In particular this formula generalizes our previous result on the Euler characteristic of such a hypersurface. Two different approaches are presented. The first is based on the theory of characteristic cycle and the works of Sabbah, Briancon-Maisonobe-Merle, and Le-Mebkhout. In particular, this approach leads to a simple proof of a formula of Aluff...

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The Euler characteristic as a polynomial in the Chern classes

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In this paper we obtain some explicit expressions for the Euler characteristic of a rank n coherent sheaf F on P^N and of its twists F(t) as polynomials in the Chern classes c_i(F), also giving algorithms for the computation. The employed methods use techniques of umbral calculus involving symmetric functions and Stirling numbers.

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Solving the likelihood equations to compute Euler obstruction functions

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Jose Israel Rodriguez
Algebraic Geometry

Macpherson defined Chern-Schwartz-Macpherson (CSM) classes by introducing the (local) Euler obstruction function, which is an integer valued function on the variety that is constant on each stratum of a Whitney stratification of an algebraic variety. By understanding the Euler obstruction function, one gains insights about a singular algebraic variety. It was recently shown by the author and B. Wang, how to compute these functions using maximum likelihood degrees. This paper ...

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The Euclidean distance degree of smooth complex projective varieties

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Algebraic Geometry

We obtain several formulas for the Euclidean distance degree (ED degree) of an arbitrary nonsingular variety in projective space: in terms of Chern and Segre classes, Milnor classes, Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson classes, and an extremely simple formula equating the Euclidean distance degree of X with the Euler characteristic of an open subset of X.

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On Euler polynomials for projective hypersurfaces

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Singular Chern Classes of Schubert Varieties via Small Resolution

April 1, 2008

84% Match
Benjamin F. Jones
Algebraic Geometry
Representation Theory

We discuss a method for calculating the Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson (CSM) class of a Schubert variety in the Grassmannian using small resolutions introduced by Zelevinsky. As a consequence, we show how to compute the Chern-Mather class and local Euler obstructions using small resolutions instead of the Nash blowup. The algorithm obtained for CSM classes also allows us to prove new cases of a positivity conjecture of Aluffi and Mihalcea.

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Segre Class Computation and Practical Applications

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Corey Harris, Martin Helmer
Algebraic Geometry
Symbolic Computation
Commutative Algebra

Let $X \subset Y$ be closed (possibly singular) subschemes of a smooth projective toric variety $T$. We show how to compute the Segre class $s(X,Y)$ as a class in the Chow group of $T$. Building on this, we give effective methods to compute intersection products in projective varieties, to determine algebraic multiplicity without working in local rings, and to test pairwise containment of subvarieties of $T$. Our methods may be implemented without using Groebner bases; in par...

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Toric polar maps and characteristic classes

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Given a hypersurface in a complex projective space, we prove that the multidegrees of its toric polar map agree, up to sign, with the coefficients of the Chern-Schwartz-MacPherson class of a distinguished open set, namely the complement of the union of the hypersurface and the coordinate hyperplanes. In particular, the degree of the toric polar map is given by the signed topological Euler characteristic of the distinguished open set. For plane curves, a precise formula for th...

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