ID: 1502.05062

Distribution of squares modulo a composite number

February 17, 2015

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Farzad Aryan
Number Theory

In this paper we study the distribution of squares modulo a square-free number $q$. We also look at inverse questions for the large sieve in the distribution aspect and we make improvements on existing results on the distribution of $s$-tuples of reduced residues.

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Inverse questions for the large sieve

November 24, 2013

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Ben J. Green, Adam J. Harper
Number Theory

Suppose that an infinite set $A$ occupies at most $\frac{1}{2}(p+1)$ residue classes modulo $p$, for every sufficiently large prime $p$. The squares, or more generally the integer values of any quadratic, are an example of such a set. By the large sieve inequality the number of elements of $A$ that are at most $X$ is $O(X^{1/2})$, and the quadratic examples show that this is sharp. The simplest form of the inverse large sieve problem asks whether they are the only examples. W...

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A Lower Bound for the Large Sieve with Square Moduli

December 14, 2018

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Stephan Baier, Sean B. Lynch, Liangyi Zhao
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We prove a lower bound for the large sieve with square moduli.

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Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

In our paper, we apply additive-combinatorial methods to study the distribution of the set of squares $\mathcal{R}$ in the prime field. We obtain the best upper bound on the number of gaps in $\mathcal{R}$ at the moment and generalize this result for sets with small doubling.

The distribution of spacings between quadratic residues, II

December 8, 1998

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P. Kurlberg
Number Theory

We study the distribution of spacings between squares modulo q as the number of prime divisors of q tends to infinity. In an earlier paper Kurlberg and Rudnick proved that the spacing distribution for square free q is Poissonian, this paper extends the result to arbitrary q.

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On the large sieve with sparse sets of moduli

December 12, 2005

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Stephan Baier
Number Theory

Extending a method of D. Wolke, we establish a general result on the large sieve with sparse sets S of moduli which are in a sense well-distributed in arithmetic progressions. We then use this result together with Fourier techniques to obtain large sieve bounds for the case when S consists of squares. These bounds improve a recent result by L. Zhao.

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On the large sieve with square moduli

August 22, 2005

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Stephan Baier
Number Theory

We prove an estimate for the large sieve with square moduli which improves a recent result of L. Zhao. Our method uses an idea of D. Wolke and some results from Fourier analysis.

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An Improvement for the Large Sieve for Square Moduli

December 13, 2005

87% Match
Staphen Baier, Liangyi Zhao
Number Theory

We establish a result on the large sieve with square moduli. These bounds impro ve recent results by S. Baier(math.NT/0512228) and L. Zhao(math.NT/0508125).

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The large sieve with sparse sets of moduli

August 22, 2005

86% Match
Stephan Baier
Number Theory

Extending a method of D. Wolke, we establish a general result on the large sieve with sparse sets S of moduli which are in a sense well-distributed in arithmetic progressions. We then apply our result to the case when S consists of sqares. In this case we obtain an estimate which improves a recent result by L. Zhao.

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On the distribution of squarefree integers in arithmetic progressions

November 10, 2014

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Pierre Le Boudec
Number Theory

We investigate the error term of the asymptotic formula for the number of squarefree integers up to some bound, and lying in some arithmetic progression a (mod q). In particular, we prove an upper bound for its variance as a varies over $(\mathbb{Z}/q\mathbb{Z})^{\times}$ which considerably improves upon earlier work of Blomer.

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On the distribution of r-tuples of squarefree numbers in short intervals

May 16, 2005

86% Match
Doychin Tolev
Number Theory

We cosider the number of r-tuples of squarefree numbers in a short interval. We prove that it cannot be much bigger than the expected value and we also estabish an asymptotic formula if the interval is not very short.

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