ID: 1504.02761

On primitive weird numbers of the form $2^k p q$

April 7, 2015

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Similar papers 2

Solving the Odd Perfect Number Problem: Some Old and New Approaches

April 6, 2012

81% Match
Jose Arnaldo B. Dris
Number Theory

A perfect number is a positive integer $N$ such that the sum of all the positive divisors of $N$ equals $2N$, denoted by $\sigma(N) = 2N$. The question of the existence of odd perfect numbers (OPNs) is one of the longest unsolved problems of number theory. This thesis presents some of the old as well as new approaches to solving the OPN Problem. In particular, a conjecture predicting an injective and surjective mapping $X = \sigma(p^k)/p^k, Y = \sigma(m^2)/m^2$ between OPNs $...

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New techniques for bounds on the total number of Prime Factors of an Odd Perfect Number

January 5, 2005

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Kevin G. Hare
Number Theory

Let $\sigma(n)$ denote the sum of the positive divisors of $n$. We say that $n$ is perfect if $\sigma(n) = 2 n$. Currently there are no known odd perfect numbers. It is known that if an odd perfect number exists, then it must be of the form $N = p^\alpha \prod_{j=1}^k q_j^{2 \beta_j}$, where $p, q_1, ..., q_k$ are distinct primes and $p \equiv \alpha\equiv 1 \pmod{4}$. Define the total number of prime factors of $N$ as $\Omega(N) := \alpha + 2 \sum_{j=1}^k \beta_j$. Sayers sh...

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On 2-Near Perfect Numbers

October 2, 2023

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Vedant Aryan, Dev Madhavani, Savan Parikh, ... , Zelinsky Joshua
Number Theory

Let $\sigma(n)$ be the sum of the positive divisors of $n$. A number $n$ is said to be 2-near perfect if $\sigma(n) = 2n +d_1 +d_2 $, where $d_1$ and $d_2$ are distinct positive divisors of $n$. We give a complete description of those $n$ which are 2-near perfect and of the form $n=2^k p^i$ where $p$ is prime and $i \in \{1,2\}$. We also prove related results under the additional restriction where $d_1d_2=n$.

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The Abundancy Index of Divisors of Odd Perfect Numbers

March 5, 2011

80% Match
Jose Arnaldo B. Dris
Number Theory

If $N = {q^k}{n^2}$ is an odd perfect number, where $q$ is the Euler prime, then we show that $n < q$ is sufficient for Sorli's conjecture that $k = \nu_{q}(N) = 1$ to hold. We also prove that $q^k < 2/3{n^2}$, and that $I(q^k) < I(n)$, where $I(x)$ is the abundancy index of $x$.

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On the quantity $m^2-p^k$ where $p^k m^2$ is an odd perfect number -- Part II

September 20, 2021

80% Match
Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris, Immanuel Tobias San Diego
Number Theory

Let $p^k m^2$ be an odd perfect number with special prime $p$. Extending previous work of the authors, we prove that the inequality $m < p^k$ follows from $m^2 - p^k = 2^r t$, where $r \geq 2$ and $\gcd(2,t)=1$, under the following hypotheses: (a) $m > t > 2^r$, or (b) $m > 2^r > t$. We also prove that the estimate $m^2 - p^k > 2m$ holds. We can also improve this unconditional estimate to $m^2 - p^k > {313m^2}/315$.

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On $k$-layered numbers

July 19, 2022

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Farid Jokar
Number Theory

A positive integer $n$ is said to be $k$-layered if its divisors can be partitioned into $k$ sets with equal sum. In this paper, we start the systematic study of these class of numbers. In particular, we state some algorithms to find some even $k$-layered numbers $n$ such that $2^{\alpha}n$ is a $k$-layered number for every positive integer $\alpha$. We also find the smallest $k$-layered number for $1\leq k\leq 8$. Furthermore, we study when $n!$ is a $3$-layered and when is ...

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On the number of partitions of a number into distinct divisors

February 12, 2024

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Noah Lebowitz-Lockard, Joseph Vandehey
Number Theory

Let $p_{\textrm{dsd}} (n)$ be the number of partitions of $n$ into distinct squarefree divisors of $n$. In this note, we find a lower bound for $p_{\textrm{dsd}} (n)$, as well as a sequence of $n$ for which $p_{\textrm{dsd}} (n)$ is unusually large.

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A new approach to odd perfect numbers via GCDs

February 10, 2022

80% Match
Jose Arnaldo Bebita Dris
Number Theory

Let $q^k n^2$ be an odd perfect number with special prime $q$. Define the GCDs $$G = \gcd\bigg(\sigma(q^k),\sigma(n^2)\bigg)$$ $$H = \gcd\bigg(n^2,\sigma(n^2)\bigg)$$ and $$I = \gcd\bigg(n,\sigma(n^2)\bigg).$$ We prove that $G \times H = I^2$. (Note that it is trivial to show that $G \mid I$ and $I \mid H$ both hold.) We then compute expressions for $G, H,$ and $I$ in terms of $\sigma(q^k)/2, n,$ and $\gcd\bigg(\sigma(q^k)/2,n\bigg)$. Afterwards, we prove that if $G = H = I$,...

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Friends of 12

August 19, 2016

80% Match
Doyon Kim
History and Overview
Number Theory

A friend of 12 is a positive integer different from 12 with the same abundancy index. By enlarging the supply of methods of Ward [1], it is shown that (i) if n is an odd friend of 12, then n=m^2, where m has at least 5 distinct prime factors, including 3, and (ii) if n is an even friend of 12 other than 234, then n=2*(q^e)*(m^2), in which q is a prime greater than or equal to 29, e is a positive integer, and both q and e are congruent to 1 mod 4, and m has at least 3 distinct...

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On the third largest prime divisor of an odd perfect number

August 26, 2019

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Sean Bibby, Pieter Vyncke, Joshua Zelinsky
Number Theory

Let $N$ be an odd perfect number and let $a$ be its third largest prime divisor, $b$ be the second largest prime divisor, and $c$ be its largest prime divisor. We discuss steps towards obtaining a non-trivial upper bound on $a$, as well as the closely related problem of improving bounds $bc$, and $abc$. In particular, we prove two results. First we prove a new general bound on any prime divisor of an odd perfect number and obtain as a corollary of that bound that $$a < 2N^{\f...

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