ID: 1506.07307

Holomorphy, triality and non-perturbative beta function in 2d supersymmetric QCD

June 24, 2015

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Two-Loop Beta Functions Without Feynman Diagrams

May 14, 1997

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Peter E. Haagensen, Kasper Olsen, Ricardo Schiappa
High Energy Physics - Theory

Starting from a consistency requirement between T-duality symmetry and renormalization group flows, the two-loop metric beta function is found for a d=2 bosonic sigma model on a generic, torsionless background. The result is obtained without Feynman diagram calculations, and represents further evidence that duality symmetry severely constrains renormalization flows.

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On loop corrections to integrable $2D$ sigma model backgrounds

October 11, 2021

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Mikhail Alfimov, Alexey Litvinov
Mathematical Physics

We study regularization scheme dependence of $\beta$-function for sigma models with two-dimensional target space. Working within four-loop approximation, we conjecture the scheme in which the $\beta$-function retains only two tensor structures up to certain terms containing $\zeta_3$. Using this scheme, we provide explicit solutions to RG flow equation corresponding to Yang-Baxter- and $\lambda$-deformed $SU(2)/U(1)$ sigma models, for which these terms disappear.

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Non-holomorphic terms in N=2 SUSY Wilsonian actions and RG equation

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Diego Rome Tor Vergata U. Bellisai, Francesco INFN, Roma2 Fucito, ... , Travaglini Gabriele Rome La Sapienza U. and INFN, Roma2
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this paper we first investigate the Ansatz of one of the present authors for K(\Psi,\bar\Psi), the adimensional modular invariant non-holomorphic correction to the Wilsonian effective Lagrangian of an N=2 globally supersymmetric gauge theory. The renormalisation group beta-function of the theory crucially allows us to express K(\Psi,\bar\Psi) in a form that easily generalises to the case in which the theory is coupled to N_F hypermultiplets in the fundamental representatio...

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On a class of finite sigma-models and string vacua; a supersymmetric extension

April 26, 1993

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A. Petermann
High Energy Physics - Theory

Following a suggestion made by Tseytlin, we investigate the case when one replaces the transverse part of the bosonic action by an $n=2$ supersymmetric sigma-model with a symmetric homogeneous K\"ahlerian target space. As conjectured by Tseytlin, the metric is shown to be exactly known since the beta function is known to reduce to its one-loop value.

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Duality in N=2 nonlinear sigma-models

January 15, 1998

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S. Penati, A. Refolli, ... , Zanon D.
High Energy Physics - Theory

We consider N=2 supersymmetric nonlinear sigma-models in two dimensions defined in terms of the nonminimal scalar multiplet. We compute in superspace the one-loop beta function and show that the classical duality between these models and the standard ones defined in terms of chiral superfields is maintained at the quantum one-loop level. Our result provides an explicit application of the recently proposed quantization of the nonminimal scalar multiplet via the Batalin-Vilkovi...

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Integrable sigma models and 2-loop RG flow

October 1, 2019

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Ben Hoare, Nat Levine, Arkady A. Tseytlin
High Energy Physics - Theory

Following arXiv:1907.04737, we continue our investigation of the relation between the renormalizability (with finitely many couplings) and integrability in 2d $\sigma$-models. We focus on the "$\lambda$-model," an integrable model associated to a group or symmetric space and containing as special limits a (gauged) WZW model and an "interpolating model" for non-abelian duality. The parameters are the WZ level $k$ and the coupling $\lambda$, and the fields are $g$, valued in a ...

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Geometry and beta-functions for N=2 matter models in two dimensions

March 27, 1998

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Silvia Penati, Andrea Refolli, ... , Zanon Daniela
High Energy Physics - Theory

We study renormalizable nonlinear sigma-models in two dimensions with N=2 supersymmetry described in superspace in terms of chiral and complex linear superfields. The geometrical structure of the underlying manifold is investigated and the one-loop divergent contribution to the effective action is computed. The condition of vanishing beta-function allows to identify a class of models which satisfy this requirement and possess N=4 supersymmetry.

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Large-N Analysis of Three Dimensional Nonlinear Sigma Models

May 6, 2005

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Kiyoshi Higashijima, Etsuko Itou, Makoto Tsuzuki
High Energy Physics - Theory

Non-perturbative renormalization group approach suggests that a large class of nonlinear sigma models are renormalizable in three dimensional space-time, while they are non-renormalizable in perturbation theory. ${\cal N}=2$ supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models whose target spaces are Einstein-K\"{a}hler manifolds with positive scalar curvature belongs to this class. hermitian symmetric spaces, being homogeneous, are specially simple examples of these manifolds. To find an i...

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From Gauged Linear Sigma Models to Geometric Representation of $\mathbb{WCP}(N,\tilde{N})$ in 2D

July 22, 2019

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Chao-Hsiang Sheu, Mikhail Shifman
High Energy Physics - Theory

In this paper two issues are addressed. First, we discuss renormalization properties of a class of gauged linear sigma models (GLSM) which reduce to $\mathbb{WCP}(N,\tilde{N})$ non-linear sigma models (NLSM) in the low-energy limit. Sometimes they are referred to as the Hanany-Tong models. If supersymmetry is ${\cal N} =(2,2)$ the ultraviolet-divergent logarithm in LGSM appears, in the renormalization of the Fayet-Iliopoulos parameter, and is exhausted by a single tadpole gra...

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Comments on the NSVZ $\beta$ Functions in Two-dimensional $\mathcal N=(0,2)$ Supersymmetric Models

January 7, 2019

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Jin Chen, Mikhail Shifman
High Energy Physics - Theory

The NSVZ $\beta$ functions in two-dimensional $\mathcal N=(0,2)$ supersymmetric models are revisited. We construct and discuss a broad class of such models using the gauge formulation. All of them represent direct analogs of four-dimensional ${\mathcal N} =1$ Yang-Mills theories and are free of anomalies. Following the same line of reasoning as in four dimensions we distinguish between the holomorphic and canonical coupling constants. This allows us to derive the exact two-di...

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