ID: 1508.05524

Sets with few differences in abelian groups

August 22, 2015

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Mitchell Lee

Let $(G, +)$ be an abelian group. In 2004, Eliahou and Kervaire found an explicit formula for the smallest possible cardinality of the sumset $A+A$, where $A \subseteq G$ has fixed cardinality $r$. We consider instead the smallest possible cardinality of the difference set $A-A$, which is always greater than or equal to the smallest possible cardinality of $A+A$ and can be strictly greater. We conjecture a formula for this quantity and prove the conjecture in the case that $G$ is a cyclic group or a vector space over a finite field. This resolves a conjecture of Bajnok and Matzke on signed sumsets.

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