September 15, 2015
We provide estimates for sums of the form \[\left|\sum_{a\in A}\sum_{b\in B}\sum_{c\in C}\chi(a+b+c)\right|\] and \[\left|\sum_{a\in A}\sum_{b\in B}\sum_{c\in C}\sum_{d\in D}\chi(a+b+cd)\right|\] when $A,B,C,D\subset \mathbb F_p$, the field with $p$ elements and $\chi$ is a non-trivial multiplicative character modulo $p$.
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Let $p$ be a prime number, $\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$ be the finite field of order $p^n$, and $\{\omega_1,\ldots\omega_n\}$ be a basis of $\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$ over $\mathbb{F}_p$. Let, further, $N_i,H_i$ be integers such that $1\leq H_i\leq p$, $\,\,i=1,\ldots,n$. Define $n$-dimensional parallelepiped $B\subseteq\mathbb{F}_{p^n}$ as follows: $$B=\left\{\sum_{i=1}^nx_i\omega_i \,:\, N_i+1\leq x_i\leq N_i+H_i, \,\,\, 1\leq i\leq n\right\}. $$ Let $n\in\{2,3\}$, $\chi$ be a nontrivial mul...
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We improve a recent result of B. Hanson (2015) on multiplicative character sums with expressions of the type $a + b +cd$ and variables $a,b,c,d$ from four distinct sets of a finite field. We also consider similar sums with $a + b(c+d)$. These bounds rely on some recent advances in additive combinatorics.
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July 9, 2020
Given a finite field $\mathbb F_q$, a positive integer $n$ and an $\mathbb F_q$-affine space $\mathcal A\subseteq \mathbb F_{q^n}$, we provide a new bound on the sum $\sum_{a\in \mathcal A}\chi(a)$, where $\chi$ a multiplicative character of $\mathbb F_{q^n}$. We focus on the applicability of our estimate to results regarding the existence of special primitive elements in $\mathbb F_{q^n}$. In particular, we obtain substantial improvements on previous works.
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