ID: 1509.06884

The Z-cubes: a hypercube variant with small diameter

September 23, 2015

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Randomly twisted hypercubes -- between structure and randomness

November 13, 2022

86% Match
Itai Benjamini, Yotam Dikstein, ... , Zhukovskii Maksim

Twisted hypercubes are generalizations of the Boolean hypercube, obtained by iteratively connecting two instances of a graph by a uniformly random perfect matching. Dudek et al. showed that when the two instances are independent, these graphs have optimal diameter. We study twisted hypercubes in the setting where the instances can have general dependence, and also in the particular case where they are identical. We show that the resultant graph shares properties with random...

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Cycles and Paths Embedded in Varietal Hypercubes

November 19, 2012

86% Match
Jin Cao, Li Xiao, Jun-Ming Xu

The varietal hypercube $VQ_n$ is a variant of the hypercube $Q_n$ and has better properties than $Q_n$ with the same number of edges and vertices. This paper shows that every edge of $VQ_n$ is contained in cycles of every length from 4 to $2^n$ except 5, and every pair of vertices with distance $d$ is connected by paths of every length from $d$ to $2^n-1$ except 2 and 4 if $d=1$.

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The vulnerability of the diameter of enhanced hypercubes

April 11, 2016

86% Match
Meijie Ma, Douglas B. West, Jun-Ming Xu
Discrete Mathematics

For an interconnection network $G$, the {\it $\omega$-wide diameter} $d_\omega(G)$ is the least $\ell$ such that any two vertices are joined by $\omega$ internally-disjoint paths of length at most $\ell$, and the {\it $(\omega-1)$-fault diameter} $D_{\omega}(G)$ is the maximum diameter of a subgraph obtained by deleting fewer than $\omega$ vertices of $G$. The enhanced hypercube $Q_{n,k}$ is a variant of the well-known hypercube. Yang, Chang, Pai, and Chan gave an upper bou...

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On $g$-Extra Connectivity of Hypercube-like Networks

September 28, 2016

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Jin-Xin Zhou

Given a connected graph $G$ and a non-negative integer $g$, the {\em $g$-extra connectivity} $\k_g(G)$ of $G$ is the minimum cardinality of a set of vertices in $G$, if it exists, whose deletion disconnects $G$ and leaves each remaining component with more than $g$ vertices. This paper focuses on the $g$-extra connectivity of hypercube-like networks (HL-networks for short) which includes numerous well-known topologies, such as hypercubes, twisted cubes, crossed cubes and M\"o...

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Boxicity of Line Graphs

September 22, 2010

86% Match
L. Sunil Chandran, Rogers Mathew, Naveen Sivadasan
Discrete Mathematics

Boxicity of a graph H, denoted by box(H), is the minimum integer k such that H is an intersection graph of axis-parallel k-dimensional boxes in R^k. In this paper, we show that for a line graph G of a multigraph, box(G) <= 2\Delta(\lceil log_2(log_2(\Delta)) \rceil + 3) + 1, where \Delta denotes the maximum degree of G. Since \Delta <= 2(\chi - 1), for any line graph G with chromatic number \chi, box(G) = O(\chi log_2(log_2(\chi))). For the d-dimensional hypercube H_d, we pro...

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Almost partitioning the hypercube into copies of a graph

December 14, 2016

86% Match
Vytautas Gruslys, Shoham Letzter

Let $H$ be an induced subgraph of the hypercube $Q_k$, for some $k$. We show that for some $c = c(H)$, the vertices of $Q_n$ can be partitioned into induced copies of $H$ and a remainder of at most $O(n^c)$ vertices. We also show that the error term cannot be replaced by anything smaller than $\log n$.

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An upper bound for Cubicity in terms of Boxicity

May 17, 2006

86% Match
L. Sunil Chandran, K. Ashik Mathew

An axis-parallel b-dimensional box is a Cartesian product $R_1 \times R_2 \times ... \times R_b$ where each $R_i$ (for $1 \leq i \leq b$) is a closed interval of the form $[a_i,b_i]$ on the real line. The boxicity of any graph $G$, box(G) is the minimum positive integer b such that G can be represented as the intersection graph of axis parallel b-dimensional boxes. A b-dimensional cube is a Cartesian product $R_1 \times R_2\times ... \times R_b$, where each $R_i$ (for $1 \leq...

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On Metric Dimensions of Hypercubes

February 22, 2021

85% Match
Aleksander Kelenc, Aoden Teo Masa Toshi, ... , Yero Ismael G.

The metric (resp. edge metric or mixed metric) dimension of a graph $G$, is the cardinality of the smallest ordered set of vertices that uniquely recognizes all the pairs of distinct vertices (resp. edges, or vertices and edges) of $G$ by using a vector of distances to this set. In this note we show two unexpected results on hypercube graphs. First, we show that the metric and edge metric dimension of $Q_d$ differ by only one for every integer $d$. In particular, if $d$ is od...

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New Results on Two Hypercube Coloring Problems

January 13, 2010

85% Match
Fang-Wei Fu, San Ling, Chaoping Xing

In this paper, we study the following two hypercube coloring problems: Given $n$ and $d$, find the minimum number of colors, denoted as ${\chi}'_{d}(n)$ (resp. ${\chi}_{d}(n)$), needed to color the vertices of the $n$-cube such that any two vertices with Hamming distance at most $d$ (resp. exactly $d$) have different colors. These problems originally arose in the study of the scalability of optical networks. Using methods in coding theory, we show that ${\chi}'_{4}(2^{r+1}-1)...

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Long paths and cycles in subgraphs of the cube

June 15, 2010

85% Match
Eoin Long

Let $Q_n$ denote the graph of the $n$-dimensional cube with vertex set $\{0,1\}^n$ in which two vertices are adjacent if they differ in exactly one coordinate. Suppose $G$ is a subgraph of $Q_n$ with average degree at least $d$. How long a path can we guarantee to find in $G$? Our aim in this paper is to show that $G$ must contain an exponentially long path. In fact, we show that if $G$ has minimum degree at least $d$ then $G$ must contain a path of length $2^d-1$. Note tha...

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