ID: 1601.06796

Experimental entanglement-enhanced work extraction based on a Maxwell's demon

January 25, 2016

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Maxwell's two-demon engine under pure dephasing noise

June 13, 2022

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Quantum Physics

The interplay between thermal machines and quantum correlations is of great interest in both quantum thermodynamics and quantum information science. Recently, a quantum Szil\'ard engine has been proposed, showing that the quantum steerability between a Maxwell's demon and a work medium can be beneficial to a work extraction task. Nevertheless, this type of quantum-fueled machine is usually fragile in the presence of decoherence effects. We provide an example of the pure depha...

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Demonstration of energy extraction gain from non-classical correlations

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Within the framework of microscopic thermodynamics, correlations can play a crucial role for energy extraction. Our work sheds light on this connection by demonstrating that entanglement governs the amount of extractable energy in a controllable setting. We experimentally investigate a fundamental link between information, encoded in tunable non-classical correlations and quantified by quantum state tomography, and its utility as fuel for energy extraction. We realize an agen...

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Quantum Coherence in a Quantum Heat Engine

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We identify that quantum coherence is a valuable resource in the quantum heat engine, which is designed in a quantum thermodynamic cycle assisted by a quantum Maxwell's demon. This demon is in a superposed state. The quantum work and heat are redefined as the sum of coherent and incoherent parts in the energy representation. The total quantum work and the corresponding efficiency of the heat engine can be enhanced due to the coherence consumption of the demon. In addition, we...

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Quantum process inference for a single qubit Maxwell's demon

February 1, 2021

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Xingrui Song, Mahdi Naghiloo, Kater Murch
Statistical Mechanics

While quantum measurement theories are built around density matrices and observables, the laws of thermodynamics are based on processes such as are used in heat engines and refrigerators. The study of quantum thermodynamics fuses these two distinct paradigms. In this article, we highlight the usage of quantum process matrices as a unified language for describing thermodynamic processes in the quantum regime. We experimentally demonstrate this in the context of a quantum Maxwe...

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Maxwell Demon and Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering

May 12, 2021

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Meng-Jun Hu, Xiao-Min Hu, Yong-Sheng Zhang
Quantum Physics

The study of Maxwell demon and quantum entanglement is important because of its foundational significance in physics and its potential applications in quantum information. Previous research on the Maxwell demon has primarily focused on thermodynamics, taking into account quantum correlations. Here we consider from another perspective and ask whether quantum non-locality correlations can be simulated by performing work. The Maxwell demon-assisted Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) ...

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Quantum Maxwell's Demon Assisted by Non-Markovian Effects

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Kasper Poulsen, Marco Majland, Seth Lloyd, ... , Zinner Nikolaj T.
Statistical Mechanics

Maxwell's demon is the quintessential example of information control, which is necessary for designing quantum devices. In thermodynamics, the demon is an intelligent being who utilizes the entropic nature of information to sort excitations between reservoirs, thus lowering the total entropy. So far, implementations of Maxwell's demon have largely been limited to Markovian baths. In our work, we study the degree to which such a demon may be assisted by non-Markovian effects u...

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Non-equilibrium System as a Demon

November 6, 2018

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Rafael Sánchez, Janine Splettstoesser, Robert S. Whitney
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...
Statistical Mechanics

Maxwell demons are creatures that are imagined to be able to reduce the entropy of a system without performing any work on it. Conventionally, such a Maxwell demon's intricate action consists of measuring individual particles and subsequently performing feedback. Here we show that much simpler setups can still act as demons: we demonstrate that it is sufficient to exploit a non-equilibrium distribution to seemingly break the second law of thermodynamics. We propose both an el...

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Maxwell's Demon and its Fallacies Demystified

January 16, 2020

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Milivoje M. Kostic
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Statistical Mechanics
Classical Physics
Popular Physics

A demonic being, introduced by Maxwell, to miraculously create thermal non-equilibrium and violate the Second law of thermodynamics, has been among the most intriguing and elusive wishful concepts for over 150 years. Maxwell and his followers focused on 'effortless gating' a molecule at a time, but overlooked simultaneous interference of other chaotic molecules, while the demon exorcists tried to justify impossible processes with misplaced 'compensations' by work of measureme...

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Stochastic thermodynamics of bipartite systems: transfer entropy inequalities and a Maxwell's demon interpretation

February 3, 2014

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David Hartich, Andre C. Barato, Udo Seifert
Statistical Mechanics

We consider the stationary state of a Markov process on a bipartite system from the perspective of stochastic thermodynamics. One subsystem is used to extract work from a heat bath while being affected by the second subsystem. We show that the latter allows for a transparent and thermodynamically consistent interpretation of a Maxwell's demon. Moreover, we obtain an integral fluctuation theorem involving the transfer entropy from one subsystem to the other. Comparing three di...

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Demonstration of Maxwell Demon-assistant Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering via Superconducting Quantum Processor

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Z. T. Wang, Ruixia Wang, Peng Zhao, Z. H. Yang, Kaixuan Huang, Kai Xu, Yong-Sheng Zhang, Heng Fan, S. P. Zhao, ... , Yu Haifeng
Quantum Physics

The concept of Maxwell demon plays an essential role in connecting thermodynamics and information theory, while entanglement and non-locality are fundamental features of quantum theory. Given the rapid advancements in the field of quantum information science, there is a growing interest and significance in investigating the connection between Maxwell demon and quantum correlation. The majority of research endeavors thus far have been directed towards the extraction of work fr...

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