April 12, 2016
We present algorithms for computation and visualization of amoebas, their contours, compactified amoebas and sections of three-dimensional amoebas by two-dimensional planes. We also provide method and an algorithm for the computation of~polynomials whose amoebas exhibit the most complicated topology among all polynomials with a fixed Newton polytope. The presented algorithms are implemented in computer algebra systems Matlab 8 and Mathematica 9.
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May 1, 2023
This article is a survey on the topic of polynomial amoebas. We review results of papers written on the topic with an emphasis on its computational aspects. Polynomial amoebas have numerous applications in various domains of mathematics and physics. Computation of the amoeba for a given polynomial and describing its properties is in general a problem of high complexity. We overview existing algorithms for computing and depicting amoebas and geometrical objects associated with...
November 17, 2022
We review results of papers written on the topic of polynomial amoebas with an emphasis on computational aspects of the topic. The polynomial amoebas have a lot of applications in various domains of science. Computation of the amoeba for a given polynomial and describing its properties is in general a problem of formidable complexity. We describe the main algorithms for computing and depicting the amoebas and geometrical objects associated with them, such as contours and spin...
October 28, 2013
The computation of amoebas has been a challenging open problem for the last dozen years. The most natural approach, namely to compute an amoeba via its boundary, has not been practical so far since only a superset of the boundary, the contour, is understood in theory and computable in practice. We define and characterize the extended boundary of an amoeba, which is sensitive to some degenerations that the topological boundary does not detect. Our description of the extended...
August 23, 2017
Given a complex algebraic hypersurface~$H$, we introduce a polyhedral complex which is a subset of the Newton polytope of the defining polynomial for~$H$ and enjoys the key topological and combinatorial properties of the amoeba of~$H.$ We provide an explicit formula for this polyhedral complex in the case when the spine of the amoeba is dual to a triangulation of the Newton polytope of the defining polynomial. In particular, this yields a description of the polyhedral complex...
August 31, 2001
The amoebas associated to algebraic varieties are certain concave regions in the Euclidean space whose shape reminds biological amoebas. This term was formally introduced to Mathematics in 1994 by Gelfand, Kapranov and Zelevinski. Some traces of amoebas were appearing from time to time, even before the formal introduction, as auxiliary tools in several problems. After 1994 amoebas have been seen and studied in several areas of mathematics, from algebraic geometry and topology...
May 20, 2019
In this note, we investigate the maximal number of intersection points of a line with the contour of hypersurface amoebas in $\mathbb{R}^n$. We define the latter number to be the $\mathbb{R}$-degree of the contour. We also investigate the $\mathbb{R}$-degree of related sets such as the boundary of amoebas and the amoeba of the real part of hypersurfaces defined over $\mathbb{R}$. For all these objects, we provide bounds for the respective $\mathbb{R}$-degrees.
June 15, 2009
Let $V$ be a complex algebraic hypersurface defined by a polynomial $f$ with Newton polytope $\Delta$. It is well known that the spine of its amoeba has a structure of a tropical hypersurface. We prove in this paper that there exists a complex tropical hypersurface $V_{\infty, f}$ such that its coamoeba is homeomorphic to the closure in the real torus of the coamoeba of $V$. Moreover, the coamoeba of $V_{\infty, f}$ contains an arrangement of $(n-1)$-torus depending only on t...
August 22, 2016
Recently Krichever proposed a generalization of the amoeba and the Ronkin function of a plane algebraic curve. In our paper higher-dimensional version of this generalization is studied. We translate to the generalized case different geometric results known in the standard amoebas case.
August 30, 2016
The amoeba of a Laurent polynomial is the image of the corresponding hypersurface under the coordinatewise log absolute value map. In this article, we demonstrate that a theoretical amoeba approximation method due to Purbhoo can be used efficiently in practice. To do this, we resolve the main bottleneck in Purbhoo's method by exploiting relations between cyclic resultants. We use the same approach to give an approximation of the Log preimage of the amoeba of a Laurent polynom...
August 11, 2011
The amoeba of a Laurent polynomial $f \in \C[z_1^{\pm 1},\ldots,z_n^{\pm 1}]$ is the image of its zero set $\mathcal{V}(f)$ under the log-absolute-value map. Understanding the space of amoebas (i.e., the decomposition of the space of all polynomials, say, with given support or Newton polytope, with regard to the existing complement components) is a widely open problem. In this paper we investigate the class of polynomials $f$ whose Newton polytope $\New(f)$ is a simplex and...