ID: 1605.00266

Some remarks on the Balog-Wooley decomposition theorem and quantities D^+, D^\times

May 1, 2016

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A low-energy decomposition theorem

October 12, 2015

82% Match
Antal Balog, Trevor D. Wooley
Number Theory

We prove that any finite set of real numbers can be split into two parts, one part being highly non-additive and the other highly non-multiplicative.

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Energy estimates in sum-product and convexity problems

September 10, 2021

82% Match
Akshat Mudgal
Number Theory

We prove a new class of low-energy decompositions which, amongst other consequences, imply that any finite set $A$ of integers may be written as $A = B \cup C$, where $B$ and $C$ are disjoint sets satisfying \[ |\{ (b_1, \dots, b_{2s}) \in B^{2s} \ | \ b_1 + \dots + b_{s} = b_{s+1} + \dots + b_{2s}\}| \ll_{s} |B|^{2s - (\log \log s)^{1/2 - o(1)}} \] and \[ |\{ (c_1, \dots, c_{2s}) \in C^{2s} \ | \ c_1 \dots c_{s} = c_{s+1} \dots c_{2s} \}| \ll_{s} |C|^{2s - (\log \log s)^{1/2...

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On the few products, many sums problem

December 1, 2017

82% Match
Brendan Murphy, Misha Rudnev, ... , Shteinikov Yurii N.

We prove new results on additive properties of finite sets $A$ with small multiplicative doubling $|AA|\leq M|A|$ in the category of real/complex sets as well as multiplicative subgroups in the prime residue field. The improvements are based on new combinatorial lemmata, which may be of independent interest. Our main results are the inequality $$ |A-A|^3|AA|^5 \gtrsim |A|^{10}, $$ over the reals, "redistributing" the exponents in the textbook Elekes sum-product inequality a...

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A short proof of a near-optimal cardinality estimate for the product of a sum set

February 19, 2015

82% Match
Oliver Roche-Newton

In this note it is established that, for any finite set $A$ of real numbers, there exist two elements $a,b \in A$ such that $$|(a+A)(b+A)| \gg \frac{|A|^2}{\log |A|}.$$ In particular, it follows that $|(A+A)(A+A)| \gg \frac{|A|^2}{\log |A|}$. The latter inequality had in fact already been established in an earlier work of the author and Rudnev (arXiv:1203.6237), which built upon the recent developments of Guth and Katz (arXiv:1011.4105) in their work on the Erd\H{o}s dist...

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On the density of sumsets and product sets

February 7, 2019

82% Match
Norbert Hegyvári, François Hennecart, Péter Pál Pach
Number Theory

In this paper some links between the density of a set of integers and the density of its sumset, product set and set of subset sums are presented.

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On the discretized sum-product problem

April 6, 2018

81% Match
Larry Guth, Nets Hawk Katz, Joshua Zahl
Classical Analysis and ODEs
Metric Geometry

We give a new proof of the discretized ring theorem for sets of real numbers. As a special case, we show that if $A\subset\mathbb{R}$ is a $(\delta,1/2)_1$-set in the sense of Katz and Tao, then either $A+A$ or $A.A$ must have measure at least $|A|^{1-\frac{1}{68}}$

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On additive bases of sets with small product set

June 7, 2016

81% Match
Ilya D. Shkredov, Dmitrii Zhelezov
Number Theory

We prove that finite sets of real numbers satisfying $|AA| \leq |A|^{1+\epsilon}$ with sufficiently small $\epsilon > 0$ cannot have small additive bases nor can they be written as a set of sums $B+C$ with $|B|, |C| \geq 2$. The result can be seen as a real analog of the conjecture of S\'ark\"ozy that multiplicative subgroups of finite fields of prime order are additively irreducible.

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Extremal problems and the combinatorics of sumsets

October 27, 2023

81% Match
Melvyn B. Nathanson
Number Theory

This is a survey of old and new problems and results in additive number theory.

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On the size of the set $AA+A$

January 31, 2018

81% Match
Oliver Roche-Newton, Imre Z. Ruzsa, ... , Shkredov Ilya D.

It is established that there exists an absolute constant $c>0$ such that for any finite set $A$ of positive real numbers $$|AA+A| \gg |A|^{\frac{3}{2}+c}.$$ On the other hand, we give an explicit construction of a finite set $A \subset \mathbb R$ such that $|AA+A|=o(|A|^2)$, disproving a conjecture of Balog.

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Some remarks on the asymmetric sum--product phenomenon

May 26, 2017

81% Match
Ilya D. Shkredov
Number Theory

Using some new observations connected to higher energies, we obtain quantitative lower bounds on $\max\{|AB|, |A+C| \}$ and $\max\{|(A+\alpha)B|, |A+C|\}$, $\alpha \neq 0$ in the regime when the sizes of finite subsets $A,B,C$ of a field differ significantly.

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