ID: 1605.02357

Dynamics of a Mobile Impurity in a One-Dimensional Bose Liquid

May 8, 2016

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Aleksandra Petković, Zoran Ristivojevic
Condensed Matter
Quantum Gases
Strongly Correlated Electron...

We develop a microscopic theory of a quantum impurity propagating in a one-dimensional Bose liquid. As a result of scattering off thermally excited quasiparticles, the impurity experiences the friction. We find that, at low temperatures, the resulting force scales either as the fourth or the eighth power of temperature, depending on the system parameters. For temperatures higher than the chemical potential of the Bose liquid, the friction force is a linear function of temperature. Our approach enables us to find the friction force in the crossover region between the two limiting cases. In the integrable case, corresponding to the Yang-Gaudin model, the impurity becomes transparent for quasiparticles and thus the friction force is absent. Our results could be further generalized to study other kinetic phenomena.

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