ID: 1605.06360

Eigenvalues of subgraphs of the cube

May 20, 2016

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Béla Bollobás, Jonathan Lee, Shoham Letzter

We consider the problem of maximising the largest eigenvalue of subgraphs of the hypercube $Q_d$ of a given order. We believe that in most cases, Hamming balls are maximisers, and our results support this belief. We show that the Hamming balls of radius $o(d)$ have largest eigenvalue that is within $1 + o(1)$ of the maximum value. We also prove that Hamming balls with fixed radius maximise the largest eigenvalue exactly, rather than asymptotically, when $d$ is sufficiently large. Our proofs rely on the method of compressions.

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On the largest eigenvalue of a sparse random subgraph of the hypercube

July 31, 2001

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Alexander Soshnikov
Mathematical Physics

We consider a sparse random subraph of the $n$-cube where each edge appears independently with small probability $p(n) =O(n^{-1+o(1)})$. In the most interesting regime when $p(n)$ is not exponentially small we prove that the largest eigenvalue of the graph is asymtotically equal to the square root of the maximum degree.

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On the Largest Eigenvalue of a Random Subgraph of the Hypercube

September 14, 2002

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Alexander Soshnikov, Benny Sudakov

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T. Reeves, R. S. Farr, J. Blundell, ... , Fink T. M. A.
Spectral Theory

A neutral network is a subgraph of a Hamming graph, and its principal eigenvalue determines its robustness: the ability of a population evolving on it to withstand errors. Here we consider the most robust small neutral networks: the graphs that interpolate pointwise between hypercube graphs of consecutive dimension (the point, line, line and point in the square, square, square and point in the cube, and so on). We prove that the principal eigenvalue of the adjacency matrix of...

An extremal theorem in the hypercube

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Decomposing a Graph Into Expanding Subgraphs

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A paradigm that was successfully applied in the study of both pure and algorithmic problems in graph theory can be colloquially summarized as stating that "any graph is close to being the disjoint union of expanders". Our goal in this paper is to show that in several of the instantiations of the above approach, the quantitative bounds that were obtained are essentially best possible. These results are obtained as corollaries of a new family of graphs, which we construct by pi...

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Large components in random induced subgraphs of n-cubes

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Long paths and cycles in subgraphs of the cube

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Subdivision and Graph Eigenvalues

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83% Match
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Partitioning the hypercube into smaller hypercubes

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Some bounds on the eigenvalues of uniform hypergraphs

February 17, 2015

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Xiying Yuan, Man Zhang, Mei Lu

Let $\mathcal{H}$ be a uniform hypergraph. Let $\mathcal{A(H)}$ and $\mathcal{Q(H)}$ be the adjacency tensor and the signless Laplacian tensor of $\mathcal{H}$, respectively. In this note we prove several bounds for the spectral radius of $\mathcal{A(H)}$ and $\mathcal{Q(H)}$ in terms of the degrees of vertices of $\mathcal{H}.$

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