ID: 1605.09501

Edge Solitons in Nonlinear Photonic Topological Insulators

May 31, 2016

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Daniel Leykam, Y. D. Chong
Condensed Matter
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

We show theoretically that a photonic topological insulator can support edge solitons that are strongly self-localized and propagate unidirectionally along the lattice edge. The photonic topological insulator consists of a Floquet lattice of coupled helical waveguides, in a medium with local Kerr nonlinearity. The soliton behavior is strongly affected by the topological phase of the linear lattice. The topologically nontrivial phase gives a continuous family of solitons, while the topologically trivial phase gives an embedded soliton that occurs at a single power, and arises from a self-induced local nonlinear shift in the inter-site coupling. The solitons can be used for nonlinear switching and logical operations, functionalities that have not yet been explored in topological photonics. We demonstrate using solitons to perform selective filtering via propagation through a narrow channel, and using soliton collisions for optical switching.

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Observation of unidirectional soliton-like edge states in nonlinear Floquet topological insulators

October 22, 2020

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Sebabrata Mukherjee, Mikael C. Rechtsman
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...
Quantum Gases
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A salient feature of solid-state topological materials in two dimensions is the presence of conducting electronic edge states that are insensitive to scattering by disorder. Such unidirectional edge states have been explored in many experimental settings beyond solid-state electronic systems, including in photonic devices, mechanical and acoustic structures, and others. It is of great interest to understand how topological states behave in the presence of inter-particle inter...

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Vector Topological Edge Solitons in Floquet Insulators

March 13, 2020

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Sergey K. Ivanov, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Alexander Szameit, ... , Konotop Vladimir V.
Pattern Formation and Solito...

We introduce topological vector edge solitons in a Floquet insulator, consisting of two honeycomb arrays of helical waveguides with opposite directions of rotation in a focusing nonlinear optical medium. Zigzag edges of two arrays placed in contact create a zigzag-zigzag interface between two structures with different topology. A characteristic feature of such a photonic insulator is that, in the linear limit, it simultaneously supports two topologically protected chiral edge...

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Nonlinearity-induced photonic topological insulator

October 23, 2020

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Lukas J. Maczewsky, Matthias Heinrich, Mark Kremer, Sergey K. Ivanov, Max Ehrhardt, Franklin Martinez, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Vladimir V. Konotop, Lluis Torner, ... , Szameit Alexander

The hallmark feature of topological insulators renders edge transport virtually impervious to scattering at defects and lattice disorder. In our work, we experimentally demonstrate a topological system, using a photonic platform, in which the very existence of the topological phase is brought about by nonlinearity. Whereas in the linear regime, the lattice structure remains topologically trivial, light beams launched above a certain power threshold drive the system into its t...

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Floquet Edge Multicolor Solitons

November 1, 2021

90% Match
Sergey K. Ivanov, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Alexander Szameit, ... , Konotop Vladimir V.
Pattern Formation and Solito...

Topological insulators are unique physical structures that are insulators in their bulk, but support currents at their edges which can be unidirectional and topologically protected from scattering on disorder and inhomogeneities. Photonic topological insulators can be crafted in materials that exhibit a strong nonlinear response, thus opening the door to the exploration of the interplay between nonlinearity and topological effects. Among the fascinating new phenomena arising ...

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Edge Solitons in Lieb Topological Floquet Insulators

March 22, 2020

90% Match
Sergey K. Ivanov, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Lukas J. Maczewsky, ... , Konotop Vladimir V.
Pattern Formation and Solito...

We describe topological edge solitons in a continuous dislocated Lieb array of helical waveguides. The linear Floquet spectrum of this structure is characterized by the presence of two topological gaps with edge states residing in them. A focusing nonlinearity enables families of topological edge solitons bifurcating from the linear edge states. Such solitons are localized both along and across the edge of the array. Due to the non-monotonic dependence of the propagation cons...

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Photonic Floquet Topological Insulators

December 13, 2012

90% Match
Mikael C. Rechtsman, Julia M. Zeuner, Yonatan Plotnik, Yaakov Lumer, Stefan Nolte, ... , Szameit Alexander
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...
Materials Science
Other Condensed Matter

The topological insulator is a fundamentally new phase of matter, with the striking property that the conduction of electrons occurs only on its surface, not within the bulk, and that conduction is topologically protected. Topological protection, the total lack of scattering of electron waves by disorder, is perhaps the most fascinating and technologically important aspect of this material: it provides robustness that is otherwise known only for superconductors. However, unli...

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Bragg solitons in topological Floquet insulators

April 7, 2020

90% Match
Sergey K. Ivanov, Yaroslav V. Kartashov, Lukas J. Maczewsky, ... , Konotop Vladimir V.
Pattern Formation and Solito...

We consider a topological Floquet insulator consisting of two honeycomb arrays of identical waveguides having opposite helicities. The interface between the arrays supports two distinct topological edge states, which can be resonantly coupled by additional weak longitudinal refractive index modulation with a period larger than the helix period. In the presence of Kerr nonlinearity, such coupled edge states enable topological Bragg solitons. Theory and examples of such soliton...

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Observation of Topological Band Gap Solitons

November 13, 2019

90% Match
Sebabrata Mukherjee, Mikael C. Rechtsman
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...
Quantum Gases
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Topological materials exhibit properties dictated by quantised invariants that make them robust against perturbations. This topological protection is a universal wave phenomenon that applies not only in the context of electrons in solid-state materials but also to photonic systems, ultracold atoms, mechanical systems, circuits, exciton-polaritons and beyond. However, the vast majority of research in these systems has focused on the linear domain, i.e., where inter-particle in...

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Exploring nonlinear topological states of matter with exciton-polaritons: Edge solitons in kagome lattice

December 23, 2016

89% Match
Dmitry R. Gulevich, Dmitry Yudin, Dmitry V. Skryabin, ... , Shelykh Ivan A.
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Matter in nontrivial topological phase possesses unique properties, such as support of unidirectional edge modes on its interface. It is the existence of such modes which is responsible for the wonderful properties of a topological insulator -- material which is insulating in the bulk but conducting on its surface, along with many of its recently proposed photonic and polaritonic analogues. We show that exciton-polariton fluid in a nontrivial topological phase in kagome latti...

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Nonlinear topological photonics

December 4, 2019

88% Match
Daria Smirnova, Daniel Leykam, ... , Kivshar Yuri
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

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