ID: 1608.08531

Blackhole evaporation model without information loss

August 23, 2016

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Kristian Hauser A. Villegas
General Physics

A simple model of a blackhole evaporation without information loss is given. In this model, the blackhole is \textit{not} in a specific mass eigenstate as it evaporates but rather, is in a superposition of various mass eigenstates and is entangled with the radiation. For astrophysical blackhole, the mass distribution is sharply peak about its average value with a vanishingly small standard deviation, which is consistent with our intuition of a classical object. It is then shown that as the blackhole evaporates, the evolution of the closed blackhole-radiation system is unitary. This is done by showing that the full density matrix satisfies Tr$\rho^2=1$ at all times. Finally, it is shown that the entanglement entropy, after an initial increase, decreases and approaches zero. These show that this model of blackhole evaporation has no infromation loss.

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