ID: 1610.04826

Ordered Factorizations with $k$ Factors

October 16, 2016

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Jacob Sprittulla

We give an overview of combinatoric properties of the number of ordered $k$-factorizations $f_k(n,l)$ of an integer, where every factor is greater or equal to $l$. We show that for a large number $k$ of factors, the value of the cumulative sum $F_k(x,l)=\sum\nolimits_{n\leq x} f_k(n,l)$ is a polynomial in $\lfloor \log_l x \rfloor$ and give explicit expressions for the degree and the coefficients of this polynomial. An average order of the number of ordered factorizations for a fixed number $k$ of factors greater or equal to 2 is derived from known results of the divisor problem.

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