ID: 1705.00244

Locality of interactions for planar memristive circuits

April 29, 2017

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Perceptrons from Memristors

July 13, 2018

82% Match
Francisco Silva, Mikel Sanz, João Seixas, ... , Omar Yasser
Emerging Technologies
Neural and Evolutionary Comp...

Memristors, resistors with memory whose outputs depend on the history of their inputs, have been used with success in neuromorphic architectures, particularly as synapses and non-volatile memories. However, to the best of our knowledge, no model for a network in which both the synapses and the neurons are implemented using memristors has been proposed so far. In the present work we introduce models for single and multilayer perceptrons based exclusively on memristors. We adap...

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Advancing Memristive Analog Neuromorphic Networks: Increasing Complexity, and Coping with Imperfect Hardware Components

November 10, 2016

82% Match
F. Merrikh Bayat, M. Prezioso, B. Chakrabarti, ... , Strukov D. B.
Emerging Technologies
Neural and Evolutionary Comp...

We experimentally demonstrate classification of 4x4 binary images into 4 classes, using a 3-layer mixed-signal neuromorphic network ("MLP perceptron"), based on two passive 20x20 memristive crossbar arrays, board-integrated with discrete CMOS components. The network features 10 hidden-layer and 4 output-layer analog CMOS neurons and 428 metal-oxide memristors, i.e. is almost an order of magnitude more complex than any previously reported functional memristor circuit. Moreover...

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Analog Neural Computing with Super-resolution Memristor Crossbars

May 10, 2021

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A. P. James, L. O. Chua
Emerging Technologies
Artificial Intelligence

Memristor crossbar arrays are used in a wide range of in-memory and neuromorphic computing applications. However, memristor devices suffer from non-idealities that result in the variability of conductive states, making programming them to a desired analog conductance value extremely difficult as the device ages. In theory, memristors can be a nonlinear programmable analog resistor with memory properties that can take infinite resistive states. In practice, such memristors are...

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Accurate Emulation of Memristive Crossbar Arrays for In-Memory Computing

April 7, 2020

82% Match
Anastasios Petropoulos, Irem Boybat, Manuel Le Gallo, Evangelos Eleftheriou, ... , Antonakopoulos Theodore
Emerging Technologies

In-memory computing is an emerging non-von Neumann computing paradigm where certain computational tasks are performed in memory by exploiting the physical attributes of the memory devices. Memristive devices such as phase-change memory (PCM), where information is stored in terms of their conductance levels, are especially well suited for in-memory computing. In particular, memristive devices, when organized in a crossbar configuration can be used to perform matrix-vector mult...

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Nonideality-Aware Training for Accurate and Robust Low-Power Memristive Neural Networks

December 13, 2021

82% Match
Dovydas Joksas, Erwei Wang, Nikolaos Barmpatsalos, Wing H. Ng, Anthony J. Kenyon, ... , Mehonic Adnan
Emerging Technologies

Recent years have seen a rapid rise of artificial neural networks being employed in a number of cognitive tasks. The ever-increasing computing requirements of these structures have contributed to a desire for novel technologies and paradigms, including memristor-based hardware accelerators. Solutions based on memristive crossbars and analog data processing promise to improve the overall energy efficiency. However, memristor nonidealities can lead to the degradation of neural ...

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Dynamical properties of electrical circuits with fully nonlinear memristors

August 15, 2010

82% Match
Ricardo Riaza
Dynamical Systems
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...

The recent design of a nanoscale device with a memristive characteristic has had a great impact in nonlinear circuit theory. Such a device, whose existence was predicted by Leon Chua in 1971, is governed by a charge-dependent voltage-current relation of the form $v=M(q)i$. In this paper we show that allowing for a fully nonlinear characteristic $v=\eta(q, i)$ in memristive devices provides a general framework for modeling and analyzing a very broad family of electrical and el...

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Emerging Nonvolatile Memories for Machine Learning

August 7, 2023

82% Match
Adnan Mehonic, Dovydas Joksas
Emerging Technologies

Digital computers have been getting exponentially faster for decades, but huge challenges exist today. Transistor scaling, described by Moore's law, has been slowing down over the last few years, ending the era of fully predictable performance improvements. Furthermore, the data-centric computing demands fueled by machine learning applications are rapidly growing, and current computing systems -- even with the historical rate of improvements driven by Moore's law -- cannot ke...

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Scaling Limits of Memristor-Based Routers for Asynchronous Neuromorphic Systems

July 16, 2023

82% Match
Junren Chen, Siyao Yang, Huaqiang Wu, ... , Payvand Melika
Emerging Technologies
Neural and Evolutionary Comp...

Multi-core neuromorphic systems typically use on-chip routers to transmit spikes among cores. These routers require significant memory resources and consume a large part of the overall system's energy budget. A promising alternative approach to using standard CMOS and SRAM-based routers is to exploit the features of memristive crossbar arrays and use them as programmable switch-matrices that route spikes. However, the scaling of these crossbar arrays presents physical challen...

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Bottleneck of using single memristor as a synapse and its solution

August 20, 2010

82% Match
Farnood Merrikh-Bayat, Saeed Bagheri Shouraki, Iman Esmaili Paeen Afrakoti
Neural and Evolutionary Comp...

It is now widely accepted that memristive devices are perfect candidates for the emulation of biological synapses in neuromorphic systems. This is mainly because of the fact that like the strength of synapse, memristance of the memristive device can be tuned actively (e.g., by the application of volt- age or current). In addition, it is also possible to fabricate very high density of memristive devices (comparable to the number of synapses in real biological system) through t...

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Teaching Memory Circuit Elements via Experiment-Based Learning

December 22, 2011

82% Match
Y. V. Pershin, Ventra M. Di
Instrumentation and Detector...
Mesoscale and Nanoscale Phys...
Emerging Technologies

The class of memory circuit elements which comprises memristive, memcapacitive, and meminductive systems, is gaining considerable attention in a broad range of disciplines. This is due to the enormous flexibility these elements provide in solving diverse problems in analog/neuromorphic and digital/quantum computation; the possibility to use them in an integrated computing-memory paradigm, massively-parallel solution of different optimization problems, learning, neural network...

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