ID: 1706.06658

Fractality in selfsimilar minimal mass structures

June 16, 2017

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Tommasi D. De, F. Maddalena, G. Puglisi, F. Trentadue
Condensed Matter
Soft Condensed Matter

In this paper we study the diffusely observed occurrence of Fractality and Self-organized Criticality in mechanical systems. We analytically show, based on a prototypical compressed tensegrity structure, that these phenomena can be viewed as the result of the contemporary attainment of mass minimization and global stability in elastic systems.

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The concept of multifractal elasticity

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Alexander S. Balankin
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A new type of elasticity of random (multifractal) structures is suggested. A closed system of constitutive equations is obtained on the basis of two proposed phenomenological laws of reversible deformations of multifractal structures. The results may be used for predictions of the mechanical behavior of materials with multifractal microstructure, as well as for the estimation of the metric, information, and correlation dimensions using experimental data on the elastic behavio...

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Fractal Structures Driven by Self-Gravity: Molecular clouds and the Universe

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In the interstellar medium, as well as in the Universe, large density fluctuations are observed, that obey power-law density distributions and correlation functions. These structures are hierarchical, chaotic, turbulent, but are also self-organizing. The apparent disorder is not random noise, but can be described by a fractal, with a deterministic fractal dimension. We discuss the theories advanced to describe these fractal structures, and in particular a new theory of the ...

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Singularity spectrum of self-organized criticality

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E. ICTP-Trieste, Italy Canessa
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I introduce a simple continuous probability theory based on the Ginzburg-Landau equation that provides for the first time a common analytical basis to relate and describe the main features of two seemingly different phenomena of condensed-matter physics, namely self-organized criticality and multifractality. Numerical support is given by a comparison with reported simulation data. Within the theory the origin of self-organized critical phenomena is analysed in terms of a nonl...

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Scaling Properties of Force Networks for Compressed Particulate Systems

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We consider, computationally and experimentally, the scaling properties of force networks in the systems of circular particles exposed to compression in two spatial dimensions. The simulations consider polydisperse and monodisperse particles, both frictional and frictionless, and in experiments we use monodisperse and bidisperse particles. While for some of the considered systems we observe consistent scaling exponents describing the behavior of the force networks, we find th...

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Toward the mechanics of fractal materials: mechanics of continuum with fractal metric

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Alexander S. Balankin
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This paper is devoted to the mechanics of fractal materials. A continuum framework accounting for the topological and metric properties of fractal domains in heterogeneous media is developed. The kinematics of deformations is elucidated and the symmetry of the Cauchy stress tensor is established. The mapping of mechanical problems for fractal materials into the corresponding problems for the fractal continuum is discussed. Stress and strain distributions in elastic fractal ba...

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Self-Organization of Complex Systems

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Statistical Mechanics

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Fracture of disordered solids in compression as a critical phenomenon: I. Statistical mechanics formalism

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Materials Science

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A geometrical interpretation of critical exponents

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Henrique A. Lima, Edwin E. Mozo Luis, Ismael S. S. Carrasco, ... , Oliveira Fernando A.
Statistical Mechanics

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Introduction to Critical Phenomena through the Fiber Bundle Model of Fracture

October 4, 2018

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